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Everything posted by dcollon

  1. Tocqueville: Opine Less, Think More http://www.tocqueville.com/insights/opine-less-think-more
  2. Sanjeev, Thank you for the editing. I will make sure I format the next recommendation correctly. :)
  3. [amazonsearch]Personal History[/amazonsearch] I finally got around to reading this book and was very happy I did. I was a tremendously interesting history of the Meyer/Graham family and the story around the Washington Post. I also thought it provided an interesting historical perspective of large events like the Vietnam War, Watergate, JFK's assassination, etc... I would highly recommend it.
  4. That's fantastic. Thank you
  5. Carl Icahn's All-time Best and Worst Verbal Jabs http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2013/01/28/carl-icahn-herbalife-ackman/
  6. Below is what I was thinking about as I listened to Carl try to string together his comments
  7. I can't believe I just spent 30 minutes listening to that exchange.
  8. A little more... http://www.businessinsider.com/bill-ackman-fires-back-at-carl-icahn-2013-1
  9. Interesting news on the zero coupon and the investment in Berkshire. Thanks for posting the update.
  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-24/buffett-reaps-gains-as-usg-to-eagle-build-on-u-s-housing-rally.html
  11. WSJ: Witness Adds Threat to SAC Probe Witness_Adds_Thread_to_SAC_Probe_-_WSJ.pdf
  12. Some very interesting points in the video. Thanks for posting it.
  13. Shiller on Housing. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000141873
  14. hellsten, I really enjoyed that interview. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Albert Edwards: SoGen Time to Re-evaluate Asset Allocation in the Ice Age? SoGen_Global_Strategy.pdf
  16. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/meet01/2013meetinginfo.pdf
  17. FCC granted Liberty control of Sirius http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-03/fcc-approves-liberty-media-control-of-sirius-xm-licenses-1-.html
  18. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-01-03/geithner-said-to-plan-departure-before-debt-ceiling-deal.html
  19. compoundinglife, I totally agree. Just because we're on the discussion, I attached another one of my favorites. Munger_Guaranteed_Misery_in_Life.pdf
  20. Since the news is generally slow today and I'm sick of hearing about those people that supposedly work hard in a district out east I thought I would post one of my favorite speeches from Charlie Munger. It's a great read on most any day, but certainly a day like today. Happy New Year to everyone. Munger_USC_April_14_1994.pdf
  21. Quick article about Mr. Kahn. The_Intelligent_Investor__The_107-Year-Old_Stock_Picker_-_WSJ.pdf
  22. Thanks Shai and Sanjeev. Enjoyed that a lot.
  23. Thanks Christopher1. I'm going to start it tonight.
  24. Thanks for posting Evolveus. I always enjoy listening to Kyle.
  25. Thanks giofranchi, that's a good enough recommendation for me to buy it. :)
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