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Everything posted by greg39

  1. Anyone have any idea on how many seats the venue holds and how many went unfilled? I'm planning on going next year.
  2. There is a psychologist at Harvard named Marc Hauser. Some of his work on morality biology and animal thought processes have economic application.
  3. Is it possibly "Zeckhauser"? There's an economist by that name.
  4. Thank you for posting your notes Seshnath, During the meeting Charlie mentioned an economist who "writes like I think". Did you happen to catch the name of that economist.
  5. Thank you for the link Investmentacct, Is was at/about question 5 that he mentioned a economist who "writes like I think".
  6. I would have recognized Krugman's or Mankiw's names as Charlie has mentioned both before in various written articles/books. I think there was a "Hauser" or "Mauser" somewhere in the name. Can anyone who was there help out? Maybe the above jogs the memory.
  7. At the Wesco shareholder's meeting Munger mentioned an economist who "writes like I think". I didn't catch the name of that economist. Did anyone happen to note that persons name?
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