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Everything posted by Matson125

  1. my guess is Fiserv
  2. The only person's buying pattern you all should be concerned about is Eddie Lampert. Tell me when Eddie Lampert buys either the commons or preferred. Whatever he buys, sell everything you own and buy that.
  3. I find it interesting that Fairholme did not send an e-mail to their investors citing the New York times article as they have done in the past. I suspect that there may be more information and Fairholme didn't want to send weekly e-mails to their investors when they could combine the information into one.
  4. I'm interested to see if he adds here, considering Berkshire sold all of their WMT.
  5. I live in the GTA and work in downtown Toronto, and the other day I was riding on Go Train (for folks who aren't familiar it transports people from the suburbs into the downtown core) to work and the person sitting beside me was chatting on their phone, and was gleaming with joy that he bought a house for 1.1 million with no conditions as he stated "In this market you can't put any conditions on offers". He then mentioned to his friend that he needed to "hit it out of the park" when he puts his house up for sale to be able to make it work. He then mentioned that once he gets possession he will redo the kitchen as the real estate agent said it would add $75k in value. I was ready for Ashton Kusher to jump out and scream "You got Punked!" but there was no camera crew, there was just a guy who got up and disembarked from the train like that was normal. This is one of many stores that just seem all too common now a days in GTA real estate.
  6. Steve Mnuchin and Bruce Berkowitz both sit on the BOD of SHLD. Mnuchin will have to relinquish his role if he is appointed, however Bruce and his team should have no problem getting a sit down with him, once appointed.
  7. Excellent interview, thanks for posting.
  8. I haven't read the letter yet, does Bruce think the sum of parts is $125 for the assets Sears has left? not including Seritage?
  9. Huge difference between Partnership and Mutual Fund returns over the Q. http://insurancenewsnet.com/oarticle/2015/04/13/the-fairholme-partnership-delivers-83-net-return-in-1q-2015-a-612492.html
  10. Debate on housing and debt in Canada http://www.marilyn.ca/AtHome/segments/Daily/April2015/4_9_2015/KevinOLearyScottMcGillivray
  11. Bruce Berkowitz on Bloomberg yesterday http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/b/d1ce6587-13ee-4577-ac99-8bb5c95af798
  12. Has there been any progress on the Perry Case? Last I heard that they were going to appeal the judges decision but I haven't heard anything since. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  13. Tipping point for Fannie & Freddie http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000364209
  14. Say hi to Berkowitz for me if you spot him in the crowd.
  15. It sought out the space in part to support a commercialization platform it is developing in collaboration with Freddie Mac and to bring more of its workers closer together in Reston. http://www.bizjournals.com/washington/breaking_ground/2015/03/fannie-mae-leases-full-building-in-reston.html?ana=yahoo
  16. This is quite the video! Thanks for posting.
  17. Thanks for the sites! I'm Canadian and the Amazon.ca used books prices when I included shipping are more expensive than the U.S. I use thriftbooks.com instead, I always compare to amazon.ca before I buy a book and 9 times out of 10 thriftbooks is cheaper. Up until the end of last year thriftbooks also discounted shipping when buying books from the same location, however they don't do that any longer.
  18. Here's an article that sums it up http://online.barrons.com/articles/SB50001424052748703927304576637270740785508
  19. I logged into the webcast and this message shows: The live session is over, however it will be available on demand shortly. I recall he asked shareholders to submit questions if they had any and he would answer them and include them in the transcript. That is probably what is causing the delay.
  20. January 27, 2015, Full Committee Hearing Entitled “Sustainable Housing Finance: An Update from the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency” http://financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles/012715_fc_memo.pdf
  21. I want to follow him, I really do. But I can't follow someone who posts dozens of times a day. Although this quote is pretty arrogant so maybe not following him won't be that hard. +1 I unfollowed him as well, it was getting to be too much.
  22. http://www.independent.ie/business/world/traders-betting-on-a-recovery-stockpile-cheap-oil-on-the-high-seas-30914150.html Some of the world's biggest oil traders have booked supertankers to store at least 25m barrels at sea in recent days, seeking to take advantage of the crash in crude prices and make a profit down the line. a strategy that was last used in 2009 when prices slumped and led to more than 100m barrels of oil being parked on tankers at sea before stocks were sold off.
  23. Mayopoulos: Fannie Mae’s rebound means taxpayers have been repaid in full http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/news/2015/01/05/mayopoulos-fannie-mae-s-rebound-means-taxpayers.html
  24. I've been looking forward to this bout for a long time. I'm going to sit back and enjoy this one.
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