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Everything posted by louisdog

  1. The guy is a 35 year old man not a minor https://www.engadget.com/2017/07/05/cnn-will-expose-reddit-user-if-he-ever-trolls-again/ http://dailycaller.com/2017/07/05/cnn-staff-reeling-after-personal-info-leaked/
  2. Although a lot of "imported" beers are brewed in Canada and then shipped to the US (Harp for example). Heineken is not one of them, it still comes over on a boat.
  3. Ben- I would recommend checking out http://stocksbelowncav.blogspot.com (Since he doesn't tag his posts you can use this link http://tinyurl.com/muftpjto see a google search result for his site/PICO.) He has written about both Boswell and PICO a decent amount (more on PICO). I would also recommend reading the past chairmen's letters on their website, they talk about some of the investment successes that they have had and their views on water. Hope that helps. I would love to hear your opinion. I'm long.
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