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Everything posted by nodnub

  1. Yes I see what you are saying. I think this is a more telling excerpt from that article. Again, I would love to have these people come and stay and become permanent residents and become citizens and work and pay tax in Canada. But if the parents live and work overseas and buys a big house for their 18 year old kid to come study here and live in the big house by themself and use it as a tax dodge (personal residence exemption), then what value does that family contribute to Canadian society?
  2. Wisdom, thank you for the source. This would be a more accurate summary. VANCOUVER — Overseas immigration to B.C. is down 22 per cent in the past decade, driven largely by a plunge in migration from China, which has long been this province’s largest source of immigrants. The number of permanent residents moving to B.C. from China has fallen by half, to just over 6,000 in 2014 from 13,600 in 2005, according to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. China’s proportion of B.C.’s new permanent residents dropped to 17 per cent from 30 per cent in the decade. Immigration is what makes Canada a great country and will be critical to our future growth. I support it completely. "Permanent resident" is people that have applied and received permanent status in Canada. This is different from "resident" as you summarized in both your comments above. A Permanent Resident is on track to eventually become a Canadian citizen, if they choose to. A resident is just some one that is living here (on a visa or whatever). Some people choose to immigrate to Canada and work here and pay taxes here. But some are just getting their money out of their own country and invest it in real estate in Canada. If real estate continues on the current path it is possible the government will add a tax on foreign ownership of property. There are other countries that have similar taxes or restrictions on property ownership. Do you know the expression, "there are lies, damned lies and statistics?". I can find a statistic to prove any argument I want. But to understand the data in context you need a broader perspective and more information. And I don't think we have all the data in front of us. For example, what if Harper made budget cuts in the immigration processing dept in 2013 and there was a huge backlog in 2014 so the numbers of approved were low?
  3. infowars? Lol. Leave this pseudo-political stuff on yahoo boards
  4. You will get a lot more answers if you post your question at https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets ;)
  5. Can you clarify what you mean by this, or provide a source? It is ambiguous as it is written. permanent residents from China to BC are down 50% in the last 10 years.
  6. This NewYorker piece provides interesting perspective on the guy. I understand his thought process around frugality and it resonates with me. I was like that when I was younger. But to me the point of money is to trade it in for life enjoyment. To me frugality is a means to an end.... the article says he makes $400K a year from his blog now and yet he doesn't seem willing to make any changes or compromises in any way. That personality seems a bit on the obsessive side. If his wife is completely aligned with those beliefs and practices, then great! Otherwise seems like it wouldn't be much fun to share a house with him. Maybe it is partly for show now to maintain the personality cult that has developed around him from the blog. If you read his stuff, you'll find out that he does exactly what he wants to do (works only on what interests him, takes vacations and travels for as long as he wants, designed his own house to his specifications, spends tons of time with his kid, has lots of time to socialize with his friends, etc). He doesn't feel like spending more would make him happier, so he doesn't. I think the idea of donating that money to charity probably makes him happier than spending it, kind of like Buffett in miniature. If you optimize for happiness and freedom, then spending more isn't necessarily a way to get there. For some people, maybe, but not everyone. For many, spending more means less freedom and more stress, not more happiness. Liberty, I'm sure you are right. I think I just tweaked off the anecdote of his wife telling him they should buy a mop instead of scrubbing the floor on hands and knees with a sponge. And he said it would just take up space. But to be fair to MrMM, he was the one cleaning the floor in the anecdote. Journalists have a way of twisting/portraying details to make them fit the story they want to tell. Your words tend to be stitched together out of context to make sound bites. I learned that lesson when I was misquoted in the local paper at age 15. I vowed to never give comment/interviews to reporters again :) I will take a look at his blog post of corrections to the article.
  7. This NewYorker piece provides interesting perspective on the guy. I understand his thought process around frugality and it resonates with me. I was like that when I was younger. But to me the point of money is to trade it in for life enjoyment. To me frugality is a means to an end.... the article says he makes $400K a year from his blog now and yet he doesn't seem willing to make any changes or compromises in any way. That personality seems a bit on the obsessive side. If his wife is completely aligned with those beliefs and practices, then great! Otherwise seems like it wouldn't be much fun to share a house with him. Maybe it is partly for show now to maintain the personality cult that has developed around him from the blog.
  8. https://www.google.ca/search?q=diff+between+the+F+and+Y+adrs yields this ---> http://www.otcmarkets.com/learn/otc101-faq Why do some symbols have five letters? The fifth character is a special identifier which is assigned by FINRA and designed to give more information about the security. To determine what fifth characters are used in our marketplaces, visit our Symbology Guide. A few of the most common can be found below: F – Foreign Ordinary P – Preferred Share Q – Bankruptcy Y – American Depository Receipt (ADR) Google "difference between Foreign Ordinary and ADR" yields this ---> https://research.scottrade.com/KnowledgeCenter/Public/Help/Article?docId=37010be1721740e0879fb4b3510db8ed ADRs ADRs are receipts for foreign shares. A foreign company can deposit shares into an American bank. The bank then issues receipts, or ADRs, on their behalf. ADRs may not have a 1:1 ratio with the corresponding foreign shares..... /cont. ORDs The ordinary shares of foreign-based companies are not officially listed on American exchanges, but they can still be traded through a brokerage firm that is associated with the company's home market. All Canadian securities available to Scottrade customers are traded as ORDs. ORDs have a 1:1 ratio between the home market security and the ordinary share issued in the U.S. ORDs can pay dividends, and they are taxed the same way as ADR securities... additional discussion that may be useful: http://boards.fool.com/otc-y-vs-f-symbols-29243763.aspx?sort=whole#29243763 Cheers
  9. It may be an error. Google's data on low volume uncommon equities is not very good. [*]the ticker is a 5 letter symbol ending in F. This is usually or always an ADR trading on over-the-counter markets (OTC) in the US. [*]Next try going to the OTCmarkets webpage. You can view the chart there and on the chart page there is a link to view price data for the selected chart range (the daily open/high/low/close data). It shows the volume of 6 on Nov 21 2014. But it has a typical price of $5008.85 instead of ~$715 which is shown on google. http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/LDSVF/chart Does that help?
  10. 1) I don't think there is any easy way to hold physical share certificates in an RRSP. 2). Your dividends would be sent by cheque to you by the transfer agent. most transfer agents nowadays support diect deposit. 3). $50 per share certificate is pretty typical fee. That is what your broker charges to register the shares in your name and get the certificates to you. Some brokers charge much higher amounts.. I think so they don't have to do it as often. Its much more profitable to collect fees from transactions which are entirely automated :) Consider where you will keep these certificates and what will happen if you get hit by a bus some day.
  11. I have done this before. What is your objective in doing this? Why do you wish to hold the shares in physical form? Your answers will guide further feedback.
  12. nodnub


    "You can look up the current hashing rate here: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/ It's around 30,000 Gigahashes/second. Divide the hashing rate of your hardware by that number. I will use my GTX-260 as an example, it's hashing 40 Megahashes/sec, so is 1.3 x 10-6 of the total network power. Therefore I expect to earn that fraction of the 3600 new coins generated per day, or 0.0048 coins/day. At current prices, that is worth $0.1632/day. You would compare that to the cost of running the equipment, to tell if it earns a current profit. My graphics card costs an incremental 94 watts of power to mine (above what the computer draws anyway). I don't count my base PC power usage, because I am doing other things at the same time, like writing this post :-). If you have a dedicated mining machine, then you need to count the full hardware and electricity costs. So at my electric rates, it costs 2.25 kWh = $0.27/day to mine." SD, I don;t see the relevance. This reddit comment is from March 2013. A lot changed since then in bitcoing. People on reddit.com/r/bitcoin now are talking about using custom bitcoin mining hardware just to try to heat their apartment and breakeven. The hash rate has gone up by a factor of 17,000 since March 2013!! This example is a graphics card running on a desktop PC has been a non starter for a long time now. Any profitable bitcoin generation is done on ASIC custom hardware for the last couple of years. If you are not a large operation you can not mine bitcoin efficiently enough to be profitable. There will be further concentration/centralization of bitcoin mining in the future which is likely to create other problems. It's not that simple. The math is wrong... and it doesn't work like this. There is no such thing as a high-end 15 watt laptop that is capable of efficiently mining bitcoin. The change rate of mining difficulty makes it difficult to determine if your hardware investment will have positive ROI over it's lifetime. A couple years ago there were a bunch of people that bought ASIC bitcoin miners and if they were unlucky with timing of bitcoin mining difficulty changes or it shipped 30 days late then they might barely recover the cost of electricity to run it... Your bitcoin mining "power" is constantly eroded by inflation of the difficulty of the mining algorithm.
  13. I am highly disappointed and ashamed by stats can. They don't track a lot of stuff, their interface is total crap, and a lot of data you have to pay for. I think Canada may have the worst statistical service of the developed countries! I wonder if the quality of the service is related to the staff cuts made in the last few years? Estimated Job Losses 2012-2016 (Reports on Plans and Priorities) Statistics Canada: 2,230 or 35% of full-time positions via: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-politics/conservatives-have-wiped-37000-off-the-public-service-payroll-cutting-jobs-faster-than-expected Statscan’s budget has fallen by $29.3-million in the past two years, and its staffing has fallen by 767 people, or 18.5 per cent, in the same period, excluding the census and surveys paid for by outside clients. via: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/lack-of-funds-keeps-statscan-study-from-public/article18088971/
  14. Trudeau will make some mistakes and do some things I disagree with but I am looking forward to some "different" mistakes for the next few years. I'd had enough of Harper's approach to running the country. To be honest I expected another conservative majority. Didn't think the Liberals would be able to pull off a win.
  15. We have had a Facebook "Like" button for a few months now. ;D oh ya.... how does that work? From what I've seen, it doesn't. I sometimes see numbers near it, but it seems to have the same number for the whole thread and not for the post, so I'm not sure it's actually doing anything useful. It's useful to facebook and companies that use their advertising platform.
  16. take a look at www.firecalc.com for withdrawal rates that worked over different rolling periods in last 100 years or so.
  17. I would suggest looking for brk threads in the brk sub forum, ffh threads in the ffh sub forum and value stock ideas in the investment ideas sub forum..... This section is called general chat for a reason. I like to use the Recent Posts section on the main page to see at-a-glance what new posts have been put up. It takes more time to open each subforum and check the latest posting date on each thread within. I agree that General Discussion is largely noise. I would prefer that posts from General Discussion did not show up in Recent Posts at all for the same reason that watsa_is_a_randian_hero mentioned, it clutters up and obscures the posts I'm interested in. It would be nice option to have.
  18. The fact that you are aware of the problem is the first step to successfully dealing with it. I used to be like that and then I realized you can't keep everyone happy all the time (someone will always be disappointed by you at some point). Keeping everyone else happy is futile and doesn't lead to your own happiness. We need to decide what we want for ourself and our own immediate family and take steps to make that happen. It's okay to have boundaries around what you are willing to do for others. It's also okay not to be liked by every single person you meet. It sounds dumb, but for a long time, deep down, that is what I was aiming for. The link in Liberty's post is a good one. I would also spend some time reading the first chapter or so of Robert Glover's book "No More Mr Nice Guy". (disclaimer: That's all I've read). Terrible title because it's not about no longer being "Nice", but about figuring out what you want and pursuing it, rather than pursuing what other people want for you. The Nice Guy thing can be really phony and superficial and there is not much benefit to it, unless the only thing you care about it being known as the Nicest guy in your community. Take a look at it on amazon.com and look at the first few pages of the book. --edit: I think the lessons in that book would be well suited to a lot of women that have the same issue.
  19. What kind of advice are you looking for? The way you've written it looks fairly clear: option 1 and 2 look like non-starters. Therefore, take door #3.
  20. Agreed. Give us at least the 40 cents/share that Mercer offered us and we were denied. I have been stuck in situations like this a few times before. I'm guessing it will be a cold day in hell before any SFK/FBK shareholders see any additional $. ;)
  21. Time to plant alfalfa on your lawn and apply for an agricultural billing for your water usage? :)
  22. Imagine that you are on the move a lot. You are trying to carry as little stuff with you as possible, and still need to document stuff with pictures and immediately email that stuff or post it to social media. I know the camera quality on my phone is not great, but I always have it with me, and it's easy to send or post photos directly instead of uploading them from my compact camera to the computer first. It's a consequence of using the phone in portrait mode 95% of the time for almost every other task on the phone.
  23. Gio, Now you have made me sad because those are some of the foods that are best to eat in Italy! Well, a little bit sad. I also stopped eating pasta and gelato... but I make a lot of exceptions when I am in Italy. I think it would be hard for me if I was living there!
  24. Lucky, you are really starting to repeat yourself the same points again and again. That doesn't tend to create productive discussion.
  25. Merkhet thanks for posting this article. Reading this has given me my best laugh of the week :)
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