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Everything posted by jb85

  1. does anyone know what the call options prices were like for WFC when it was trading around $10 in march 2009?
  2. looking through doris buffett's new book "giving it all away" on amazon, search for "IQ" in the "look inside" option. You'll see it mentions that warren and his siblings took iq tests when they were 8, 10, and 12. doris scored a 150 which was "a couple points lower than warrens" not sure how pertinent this is, but just found it interesting
  3. here is a good chart that shows buffetts correlation between the 1964-82 time period and the 1999-2018 time period http://home.earthlink.net/~intelligentbear/com-dj-infl.htm
  4. alright, thanks for the help. it looks i'm going to have to get a lot richer in order to get that citigroup guide. Sounds like the mergent guide is about just as good. Business week also has good info, once you have the names of the companies. Thanks!
  5. ok, it was the citi guide. However, i've tried calling a few brokers (as well as citigroup) and they havn't heard of it. Anyone know of good location to find this guide, or something similiar? Any specific brokers? Thanks! -Jim
  6. Hi all, I was reading up on buffett investing in korean stocks and apparently his broker sent him a stock guide that initially sparked his interest. Does anyone know where to get these stock guides. I've been looking all over google and can't seem to find anything. I went down to the library and found 4 volume Mergent International Stock guides, and looked at the 2004 edition, but couldn't find some of the companies that Buffett had mentioned that he bought, so I'm guessing his stock guide had a bunch more companies than these mergent guides (though mergent did have about 400-500 of the 1700 stocks on the korean stock exchange). Any help on this would be appreciated (also wouldn't mind if someone knew where to find other stock guides such as the "world stock guide factbook", etc. that would give a quick glimpse of various indexes to see how cheap they are). Thanks! -Jim
  7. i hear you about the presidential cycle, it may work but i just tend to ignore those sections of the letter, too short term. However overall, i think it is one of the better macro view newsletters out there.
  8. in that same fox interview buffett also recommends katharine grahams autobiography and Bill Gates Sr. New book (atleast he concurs with Jr. that is was a good book)
  9. i have the 2004 literary edition. Do the yearly updates really add that much? is it worth it? I can go without the new pictures, mainly wondering if written content is added yearly?
  10. anybody recommend one? I searched amazon really couldn't find one. Thanks
  11. buffett has said to learn as much as you can about accounting. Besides accounting textbooks, any other good books people can recommend to gain more knowledge on this, or anybody recommend how they would go about learning this stuff. If textbooks, anybody recommend any specific ones out there?
  12. Hi, I've recently started to look at pink sheets for some investing ideas and have a few questions on how you guys recommend going through all the companies there. In looking at pinksheets.com, i found that you can download all 8000 or so companies there, and view what OTC market tier they are in. Is there a good way to start filtering for only companies that have atleast some minimum filing, data, etc.. Just looking for a starting point, and wondering what your guys initial filters are (or is it simply a matter of "starting at 'A'" as buffett says). Also does anyone know the kind of overlap between the mergent manual (unlisted securites version) and the pink sheets? Thanks! -Jim
  13. this will be my first meeting, and am wondering if anyone has any recommendations on other events during that weekend. Are the Yellow BRKer's going to be having a meeting?
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