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Everything posted by Dynamic

  1. I think you have to have a United Kingdom IP address to view the programme online unless special arrangements are made. Being BBC's own content, there's a possibility they'll offer an "outside the UK" link, though I've only seen this for online-only Formula One opinion-pieces. The same applies to viewing BBC programmes for up to 1 week after on the BBC iPlayer service. I've heard of people using internet proxies in the UK, but usually only if they have a UK employer or something similar. I think open proxies are a rarity now, thanks to misuse. There might be some text content on bbc.co.uk, background info and photos to give a flavour As I live in the UK, I'm looking forward to watching it over the air in 40 minutes' time on BBC Two. I wonder how they'll pronounce Berkshire! :) Programme details at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00nn7vs I guess there's a possibility of some excerpts appearing on youtube.
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