Thank you for this. Even if it's anecdotal, it seems like there is a lot of helpful information that's being gathered and shared in your city.
I'm beginning to wonder whether it makes sense to play a bit of a barbell options strategy on this. It seems that there are two likely scenarios from here:
1) It'll have a major impact on the global economy. If so, the cascading impact won't be seen/felt for a bit (months?) to come, and downside is potentially quite a bit lower.
2) It's a nothing burger. World mostly goes on with a few stumbles, but nothing really long lasting nor severe. However, the central banks aren't going to pull the support all that quickly given that they want to protect downside risk. So now we have a situation where not much has changed since the beginning of the year, except the 10Y treasuries are like 60bps lower... I'd have to imagine stocks go up a decent amount if for no other reason to close the yield gap...
Assuming an approximation of yield drop similar in earnings yield, that's ~3.5-4x PE expansion, so ~20% upside potential. ON the downside, we could have earnings and multiple contraction, which I think will be a lot more than 10%...
Looking at SPY Sept 18 options, the 280 puts are ~11.60 mid, and the 340 calls are ~3.50 mid. Since the puts are super expensive, I can also sell the same expiry puts at 250 strike to recoup ~5.75. SO if I go long the 280 puts, long 340 calls, and short the 250 puts, that's ~ $9.35 all in cost for the trade. Breakeven on upside of ~$350 and downside at ~$270, but downside capped at $30 bucks gain.
Thoughts? Anyone else think this will be more binary at the tails than in the middle in terms of market outcome?