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Posts posted by Myth465

  1. I sold LINE and EVEP to buy BBEP which looked smart until last Friday.


    Now sitting on an unrealized loss of 10% vs, a gain of 40%. I am holding and may add to LINE or EVEP if they go lower. The stock is an even better buy based on intrinsic value but, the thesis of 30% in dividends each year on 15 - 20 years of assets has changed. They will likely not pay a dividend for 2-3 quarters. Or could pay a small dividend after 1-2 quarters and slowly bring it up.


    My guess is it will be at least 10 - 15% but not the 30% expected. The stock will come out better when the next upturn hits though due to much lower debt levels if divs are skipped for a while.


    I am holding and may add in the $4 range.

  2. I tend to agree with Krugman and Roubini


    The people in the administration were deeply involved with the creation and early solutions to the crisis and have avoided leveling with the American people throughout the ordeal. It seems like nationalization would be the simplest way to deal with this but that's dirty socialism.


    The arguments against nationalization and for propping up zombie banks and insurance companies dont make a lot of sense and this public private partnership also seems retarded.


    I go with logic regardless of what side it comes from.



  3. I am looking into this space because everyone is saying Commercial Real Estate is the next big shoe to drop.


    I like FUR Common, LXP Preferreds and will look into HRP-D.


    Thanks guys and lets keep the discussion going. FUR is well known and has a competent owner manager with plenty of skin in the game.

  4. Does the debt and the purchase of grey wolf not bother you? Seems like Management didnt do a good job of capital allocation.


    Also what do you think of HP. That was my main go to stock for land drillers due to the quality of there rigs. Offshore its definitely ESV due to the nice rigs, high ROIC and Margins, and no debt.

  5. My vibe is ORH is buying back as much as they can on the open market and when they redeem it they will only have to pay $25 to a small group of holders and it will simplify there reporting structure. Also they hold government bonds paying negative interest so buying these back is well worth it.



  6. Holding but wouldnt buy until some certainty shakes out. Management is determined to keep expanding even with current economic conditions. I want to see what happens with UPS and DHL and with the new board member.

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