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Everything posted by Desert_Rat

  1. Good remark, orthopa. Everytime there was a "las vegas" euphoria we know how it ended. Euphoria's got nothing to do with it. Just need faith that our govt is not going to steal private assets because it's convenient for them. Ultimately, they will do the right thing.
  2. Coincidentally enough, that's exactly what will happen with them.
  3. UGLY http://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart
  4. I should be selling everything because I'm on the wrong side of it all. Fannie, O&G, Gold... terrible week.
  5. What is this about white folk? EVERYONE either is or should have been pissed off with prior administrations which did nothing for anyone except those with access. I mean, doesn't this stuff bother non-white people too?: 1) Trillions spent on the hellhole that is ME 2) While bombing or droiding the hell out of them. 3) Those trillions not spent locally 4) The 2nd most important thing our govt should do for us, after defense, is infrastructure. Where? What's been done? and the list could go on and on with drug use, crime, Wall st, healthcare, etc., etc., etc. AFAIC, everyone bitching about Trump has successfully had the wool pulled over their eyes. They are now accomplices to the deep state.
  6. This question again? that it's being asked is proof positive the posters asking it listen exclusively to fake news, like CNN and MSNBC, although, to be fair, some American sites work it incorrectly to their advantage too. The six countries; Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan are not cooperative vetting their people, they have no civil authority. Hence, even they wouldn't know the validity of an emigrant. SA has a long established king and administration that takes things like birth certificates seriously. edit: -Iraq
  7. Because you would rather have govt pay more for prescription drugs?? "In a tweet shortly before 9 a.m. New York time, Trump said he’s working on a “new system where there will be competition in the drug industry.” Man the pitchforks! This is the last straw!!
  8. Interesting that his stats imply that there are some 1200 psychos in TSA and CBP. Not to mention the ones that think they're doing the best job they can but are wrong. One wonders though why one doesn't hear about these type of stories coming out of let's say.... Germany or.... Japan. Cause God knows when someone think German of Japanese border guards they don't picture warm and cuddly. I just wish I possessed Rat's thought process. Life would be so much easier. Couldn't you find two better examples? Merkel is DOA and Japan is dying because of xenophobia. Do better!
  9. I have no problem with immigrants. But apparently the majority of our voting public does; they want it curtailed. Trump is simply following a campaign promise, and, really, with how EUR is doing with their imports, I think I should have a problem with immigrants of a certain type too.
  10. it comes down to this: Trump and his administration dictate the restrictions. Those restrictions are clearly defined except that an NSA agent may use their judgement to detain (or pass) a visitor. But that's Trump's input, that's it. He isn't calling agents and demanding they deny legitimate visitors. Is it possible one or two or a few agents are overstepping? sure, but I'm as concerned about that as I am cops assassinating innocent, college bound, black dudes because they get a kick out of it. There are psychos everywhere but 98% of our officers do their jobs to the best of their abilities. They follow law as defined and use their best judgement when warranted.
  11. So you were denied access into the country because you had no identification at all. Yea I can see how your story is the same as all the other ones here. ::) But since Toronto doesn't have a land border, you were able to get through security at an airport and board a place without ID? Something me and the list of 6 rejected "nations" had/have in common: No verifiable identification (which also answers a certain SA reference upthread)
  12. In fairness I did say I stopped there! FWIW, I was denied entrance on a business trip into Toronto years ago because I forgot my license. White, suit and tie, nothing in my appearance that suggest scoundrel. Shit happens; know the rules.
  13. the only reference to this story, whatever it is, is behind a paywall. Stop
  14. Maybe not detained/arrested. But held back, searched, personal/electronic data copied, made late, connecting flights lost. Just what everyone dreams of on a holiday. Being inconvenienced and treated like a criminal. I'm pretty sure they know they're gonna act like dicks when they're already anticipating that people are gonna call the cops on them. Sorry but i don't believe it. If a person has proper papers and they're not a retard when asked what the purpose of their visit is, they won't be detained. If you have any knowledge of this being incorrect, enlighten me. Canadian woman en route to Vermont spa denied entry to U.S., told she needs immigrant visa - Montreal - CBC News Canadian born? Check Canadian citizen? Check In possession of a valid Canadian passport? Check OTOH, she was guilty of a heinous crime. Crossing the US border while being brown skinned. Got this far: "She first had trouble getting into the U.S. last December, before Trump took office". So, I don't know what the details of this rejection is, but I can say it ain't as cut and dried as you think.
  15. Maybe not detained/arrested. But held back, searched, personal/electronic data copied, made late, connecting flights lost. Just what everyone dreams of on a holiday. Being inconvenienced and treated like a criminal. I'm pretty sure they know they're gonna act like dicks when they're already anticipating that people are gonna call the cops on them. Sorry but i don't believe it. If a person has proper papers and they're not a retard when asked what the purpose of their visit is, they won't be detained. If you have any knowledge of this being incorrect, enlighten me.
  16. There are no 2017 stats I could find on travel into America, but I doubt your claim.
  17. No evidence but I'm ripped with common sense. No one would be detained if they had proper papers. Guarantee it.
  18. Totally agree with the tone here, people. We should also let those on the 'list' in too. After all, they could possibly be on their tolerant way to a book reading, occurring in a spa, and could have been intelligent. It's a condition for travel during this WAR against terrorism, snowflakes. Toughen up. And I guarantee this, the new procedures won't in any way inconvenience those with proper papers.
  19. You'll get that as soon as Watergate evidence against Nixon is revealed. Don't be naive. The issue is, do we believe it? damn straight we do.
  20. Putin must be loving it though. As the left has it, he is a puppeteer and the world is his puppet. I'm not sure why the left is fixated on this fake news, as with MSM on their side they could run anything they want, but I can't imagine how heaping all this praise and power on the leader of the world's 3rd largest military is a good thing.
  21. I thinking Paulson, Ackman, and Berkowitz as well as some if not all of us were banking on the illegality of the NWS. This was really an only hope when you had with an administration that wanted them gone. This obviously is no longer the case. I think the idea that the court cases (outside of Sweeney releasing some severely damning arguments) doing much regarding bargaining means very little also. I think the protecting the tax payers statement by Mnuchin is only a guise to fall back to justify what he is going to do. If the taxpayer is protect unlike last time what really is the problem then? When have politicians given shit about the tax payer? His protection will be a minimal capital level or first loss mechanism. I'd say that cumulatively they mean a lot. Because, bank on this, one of these days one court, one judge will call the treasury out on this farce. Sooner or later their lunch will handed to them. Of that I am certain.
  22. Wouldn't your worst case be uglier though? (it would) Also, the govt has no right to "offer" pennies on the dollar, and doing so wouldn't make anyone happy either. The lawsuits would continue as no one would accept it. However, they do have the right to restructure the 3rd amendment and keep receiving dividends on all issued seniors. The lawsuits would then have to resort to if those seniors were actually necessary, and that's unwinnable imo. I must be in a bad mood today >:(
  23. Playing devil's rat; it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility that Paulson et el are strictly betting on the illegality of NWS, and, failing that, understand their investment will become less than what they had hoped. As far as Munchin, if he considers the GSE's as Hank did/does, which is not unreasonable given the GS culture I've read about, he's not about to just hand them back over to us. There's still the tricky business of leaving the two private firms in control of $5.5t of our economy. So if one ignores seedy presumptions and only considers what is best for all parties involved, not including us bottom feeders: a) Housing finance (30 year, proven competence), b) taxpayers (implicit guarantee), c) treasury (still off books), d) housing policy (control), the matter will be resolved with FnF released from conservatorship but paying 150~ billion senior preferreds at LIBOR+ for ever and ever. And ever. That's my worst case scenario
  24. I'd like to point out that the narrative has always been correct, and disappointments along the way have been 100% attributable to injustice and greed. Investors have not applied poor bias along the way, they've been right. For that matter, FnF is like the NE Patriots. Schemes and players will change throughout a season, and fans will point out those are why they're dominating - why the team will win out, but even as players pull up lame and other things change, the final outcome should not be in doubt.
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