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Posts posted by antao

  1. I am not a US citizen but contrary to the great majority of non-US citizens I am actually somewhat happy that Mr. Trump won the elections. I believe a Trump presidency may prove to be beneficial on the longer-term for the US economy. I am a little bit more concerned about the US foreign policy and its effect on the world as we know it but I expect that the Democrats will be able to refrain any rash decisions Mr. Trump may be inclined to make.


    As a side-note, it would be important to think about the results in recent elections around the globe - Mr. Tsipras in Greece, the Brexit vote in the UK, the extremist and non-conformity parties' ascent in Spain and France, just to name a few. Despite living in a globalized world (accelerated by advances in telecommunications and transportations, not because people truly felt they were world citizens, as is commonly advertised), most people tend to act in accordance to their self-interest first, then that of their family, their community, their country and lastly the world. This is more evident when things don't seem so favorable to them as we have been witnessing in developed countries for the better part of this century.


    For a re-distributing model to work it is first needed to have a growing working power and a wealth creation infrastructure in place - that means people are employed, goods are produced and services are provided. A re-distributing model based on a service-heavy economy has yet to be proved sustainable (as seen in so many western countries). As such, it is my opinion that either countries promote an economy based on a balance of goods production and service providing or if they are to be scattered internationally (i.e. some countries are mainly responsible for production of goods and other countries are in charge of providing services) then the re-distributing model should be thought of on a global scale.


    As a whole, the world has what it takes for a re-distributing model to work - increasing manpower and wealth creation capability - the challenge is to see if world leaders are able to cooperate towards the creation of such a model. And this, unfortunately, is for me more of an utopia than seeing each country trying to solve the equation on their own.

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