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Everything posted by Pablo12345

  1. Links to three of the articles as published in The New Yorker are here: http://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/bill-gatess-favorite-business-tales-in-the-new-yorker
  2. http://www.leucadia.com/c-p_letters/luk_c-p2012.pdf
  3. Leucadia annual letter posted. http://www.leucadia.com/c-p_letters/luk_c-p2011.pdf
  4. Warren Buffett to Retire from the Board of The Washington Post Company http://www.washpostco.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=62487&p=irol-pressArticle&ID=1518158&highlight=
  5. The problem is that unless you can get to $25M in assets, no one will carry daily quotes for you. And without daily quotes you can't get investors.
  6. FYI Tonight on Charlie Rose: April 12, 2010 Tonight James Chanos, President, Kynikos Associates. He is the man who predicted the Enron downfall and now predicting a housing bubble in China. And then Stephen Green, Group Chairman of HSBC. His book is called, “Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality, and an Uncertain World.”
  7. The letter is out. http://www.leucadia.com/C&P%20Letters/C&P2009.pdf
  8. I believe DHL was trying to cut a deal with UPS, not FedEx. No one who followed what was happening with DHL/UPS had any hope that a deal would be struck. http://www.abxair.com/atsg/pr2008-06-26.html When they were 'working together' (I use the term loosely) DHL gave ATSG incentives, then when ATSG exceeded the goals DHL would try to screw them over with technicalities. In the end, ATSG extracted a lot of money from DHL. I say good riddance to DHL. It seems to me that this is an accounting issue. Joe Hete is a great manager and will pull ATSG through but he's not been one to give out information unnecessarily.
  9. Take a look at the Dodge and Cox family of funds. http://www.dodgeandcox.com
  10. Bursting Pipes Lead to a Legal Battle http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/12/business/12pipes.html?scp=1&sq=defective%20pipes&st=cse State and local governments across the country may have to replace their water systems because of defective pipes, according to a whistle-blower lawsuit unsealed this week. The whistle-blower, John Hendrix, accuses his former employer, one of the world’s largest pipe manufacturers, of falsifying test results about the quality of its products. Pipes that should last 50 years are in some cases rupturing in their very first year, according to Mr. Hendrix and some state documents. This can lead to explosions, leaks, fires and other dangers.
  11. I too thought the 60 Minutes segment was good. Apparently 60 Minutes thought it important enough to devote 2 segments of their show to the topic. Initially I thought it was a cheap shot at Dr. Burry to point out his loss of one eye. What does that have to do with anything? The more I thought of it I think the subtle point they were making was that the investment company execs were blind to the risks they were taking but here was a one eyed man who could see what few others saw. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Anyway.... I've just finished reading Zuckerman's book "The Greatest Trade Ever" (loved it) and wonder if there's any point in reading Lewis' book on the same topic.
  12. I thought one of the items voted on at the recent Berkshire meeting was to do away with paper certificates for B shares.
  13. It is the number of shares held by the filer at the end of the qtr.
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