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Posts posted by brendanb22

  1. What's your guys opinion? Price has skyrocketed over the past month. Ethereum is really pushing the envelope on digital currency and is clearly garnering a lot  of interest. Tough to say what the price / MCAP should be, but it's going to be an exiting next few years for it

  2. Just be mindful that there are two types of blockchain network; non-permissioned (Bitcoin), and permissioned (most bank syndicates). The non-permissioned networks are too slow (10 minute mining) for high volume purposes, the miners are consolidating into cartels (independence issue), & it is not really scalable. Permissioned networks have none of these limitations, but are wholly private - and operate under a very different understanding of what 'trust' means (counterparties, software code, etc.); the major downside is a much less robust fault tolerance (excluding mixer and check node workarounds). 


    Most Bitcoin wallet holders are not spending their coin, they are hoarding it. The argument is that there are a fixed total number of bitcoin, & over time less & less new coin is created; convince a small number of people that bitcoin is a safe store of value (ie: raise demand) and the price of that very limited quantity of it must increase - convince a lot of people, & you get another tulip mania. The kicker is that the existing design total of bitcoin could be changed at any time, simply by mutual consent; collapsing the bubble.


    You may also want to look up the 3rd party oracle providers, before you go too far down the programing route.

    Much of the basics needed to operate and run a blockchain application are already available via cloud providers. It's very basic, but enough for 'proof of concept' - and everyone has to start somewhere.






    Great points by many here. A few comments. Over 2016, BTC unfortunately did not live up to the promise of forming a scalable payment network, with lower fees and faster transfer / confirmation times. Going into 2017, I doubt this will ever occur. However, with that being said BTC showed its immense value as an asset class that people can and have fleed to in times of trouble, almost like a digital gold. Just like gold, my bet is that people will flee to BTC in times of trouble, and leave (partially) in times that indicate otherwise. Ultimately another digital currency will emerge that is better suited for nimble, quick transactions and forms the decentralized payment network that so many are predicting (my bet is that it's through the Ethereum blockchain).


    I'm skeptical of the argument that just because BTC is viewed as a store of value and effectively limited in supply, people will hoard it, drive a bubble and ultimately it's demise. That hasn't happened with gold and unlike tulips, BTC will have much greater and frictionless distribution.


    BTC may not succeed as money, per se, but I wouldn't bet against it being here to stay and am confident in its appreciation in value.

  3. Anybody have any good industry primers or research on PBM's? Find the market fascinating and one that hasn't changed in quite some time -- clearly an attractive attribute to a value investor, but am curious where more nimble players could potentially poach market share

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