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  1. All, I have been wondering if there is any better way to sharpen my thinking based on probability. Is there any book recommendation? Most of the books I found on the internet is too academic and difficult to apply in investing (the data/numbers already exists etc). Thank you in advance, RD
  2. I would add CMPR to the list. Best,
  3. Congrats, Keith!
  4. Thank you very much, mhdousa. Best,
  5. Does anybody has a March issue of Value Investor Insight, highlighting Adam Wyden of ADW capital? Thanks, RD
  6. Thanks, KCLarkin.
  7. Attached the Appendices to Year-End Letter for 2015, which I believe was sent along with the Year End Letter. Included are the commencements from the head of Public and Private Investment Group. RD 2015_Appendices_to_Year-End_Letter.pdf
  8. Thank you very much, boilermaker75.
  9. Does anybody know good books I can lean how to use options to hedge the long positions? Thanks!
  10. Thank you innerscorecard. I've read the book but skipped as my focus was common stocks back then. Thank you for telling me about the thread as well :)
  11. What's the good start to explore warrants investment? I have been focusing on common equity but want to develop my knowledge on warrants. The Security Analysis only briefly talks about this area. A couple of questions in my mind is why warrants vs common equity or how to value warrants etc. Thanks!
  12. I believe many on the board already watched this but I thought it is good to hear Mr. Malone's recent thought on cable industry or media in general :D http://www.valuewalk.com/2015/09/john-malone-the-full-d7-session-video/?utm_campaign=EMAIL_DAILY&utm_medium=email&utm_source=mailchimp&utm_content=quick_link
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