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Everything posted by satish00

  1. I read the fee structure as 0.5% for undeployed capital and 1.5% for deployed portion of capital. Also, its accrued and paid 3 years at a time and Fairfax could choose to get paid in stock vs cash. "The Administration and Advisory Fee will be an amount equal to the sum of: (i) 1.5% of the Net Asset Value of the Company less the aggregate fair value of any Undeployed Capital; and (ii) 0.5% of the aggregate fair value of any Undeployed Capital. " I did buy a few shares through Fidelity. Yes. I had to call it in since it's US$ traded on Toronto exchange which cannot be handled online by them - they did charge $50 fee for tine international transaction + $7.95 commission (matched online commission since they do not allow this transaction online).
  2. Most employers provide the option to leave your money in the old 401K as long as you have atleast 5K in it. Have you considered doing that since you have the 401K option with the old employer?
  3. Didn't see this being posted. CNBC interview: Stock buyback has begun. http://www.valueplays.net/2011/09/30/buffett-all-our-businesses-are-improving/
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