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  1. POTUS is an idiot. Putin will never, ever give a cent to Trump. Never. And why? Trump gives him everything for a promise, an illusion of cooperation. in the Arctic, pah. If the Germans understand that instead of 11000 cars a day they can also build 100 tanks, 10 million drones, optics, laser and horny, small robots, a day; finally organize 20 satellite launches every week again ... and if the Germans then talk intensively with their Jewish friends about military technology, laser, quantum optics, I see potential there. It's time too. who needs a tesla if can having a bmw. Petersburg and Moskau, end of russia
  2. for sure?
  3. Would you read company analysis from such professionals?
  4. The Hedges i'm fine with. They hedge against market risk and let their alpha run. And there is a lot of risk out there. Nothing is over, even the Japanese Story is not told, yet. C&F, Zenith ... a desaster, Northbridge smells like desaster ? i'll not sell even a dime of my ffhs JoJo
  5. RIMM and Dell are definitly not the best ideas ... and what if all the Fed money currently printed will sometimes explode into stocks? Asset inflation followed by price inflation? Then the SP and CPI hedges will explode into our head. What, if nobody cares about valuation, and everybody seeks for some real assets? Main interest here: DO not hold ANY paper money.
  6. After I have read everything written about BofA here on this message board, I've made ​​my decision: the probability and uncertainty that this one develops into a 2nd Salomon debacle, is high to me and to high for my stomach. I wish all those who have invested here the very best and wants like to say "thank you all". JoJo
  7. :'( what's going on with america, the USA? I was always a supporter of this great country, but now i suppose to cancel my amazon, paypal, ebay and twitter and etrade accounts. I suppose to cancel my american express, visa and master card. Where are the american values? Honesty, hard work and freedom? Freedom of Speech? Is the belief in america justified, considering the facts? Trillions of Debt, corrupt bankers, wrecked infrastructure? How is your future, america? Where are your visions and your dreams? Being the leader in honesty, hard work and freedom. Being the country where everyone wants to be a citizen of. The "war" on Wikileaks is what really hit's me, really disappoints me and my friends. diappointed and angry your's JoJo1
  8. another interesting and detailed answer to the op-ed. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/warren-buffetts-humbug-2010-11-24?siteid=yhoof JoJo
  9. Where are you buying/selling options on FFH in Canada? I'd try to be paid for "hold and wait". Regards JoJo
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