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Everything posted by crocodon

  1. I realise that I'm potentially rather late to the game on this, but interested in doing more research into Korean Prefs. Does anyone have a list of these stocks? I've been looking at the names mentioned on this board, but would like to do a brute force review of the market if possible. The only useful list I've been able to find so far is: http://www.wikinvest.com/wiki/Korea_Exchange
  2. That app sounds good. Is it CFA specific, or customizable based on your own question set?
  3. Not sure if people have already seen this (link was posted in one of the comments on Nate's blog): http://cdn1.valuewalk.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/document-1040753371.pdf
  4. Not directly CFA related, but an interesting piece on the BBC related to revision: "Now if many of us were revising [...] we might study the list, test ourselves and then repeat this cycle, dropping items we got right. This makes studying (and testing) quicker and allows us to focus our effort on the things we haven't yet learnt. It’s a plan that seems to make perfect sense, but it’s a plan that is disastrous if we really want to learn properly." http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20141202-hack-your-memory-learn-faster
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