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Everything posted by SouthernYankee

  1. Interesting take, and one you normally don't hear, a negative portrayal of Buffett. I agree with some of what he said, but I have to disagree with his take on John Gutfreund. I believe Gutfreund got what he deserved, which was nothing.
  2. Good morning to all. This is a wonderful site, where I learn about money/finances/stocks, AND people talk HOCKEY!! Hopefully in May, you'll start discussing golf, because that will be what my Islanders are playing! (to think almost 30 years have passed since the last of four in a row!)(and didn't the Islanders give up Chara for a bag of pucks?) In regards to the Chara hit, I believe he WAS trying to push him into the sideboards (not the stanchion), BUT only to slow him up! At the speed they are going, you are trying to defend your goal, not INJURE someone. Heck, I slammed some guy into the boards the other night (non-checking league) simply because there was a loose puck and he got there a split-second before I did. I tried to put the brakes on, but not quickly enough. Also, at the angle Chara was skating at, the Montreal guy could have cut back, and Chara would have to protect himself from the wall, so I think it was just a bad mishap. I hope Pachioretty (spelling?) is ok and gets back soon. One more note, depending on who makes it to the Cup finals, I love the Vancouver team! It is wild to see those twins playing together, and those Green guys in the stand are very amusing. Good luck, and if the NJ Devils make it to the playoffs, they will WIN the CUP! You heard it here first!
  3. Should it be multi-disciplinary or interdisciplinary?
  4. This article made me think about Charlie Munger and his vision of interdisciplinary learning. It seems like the market will be pretty big in the future for a company (companies) that engineer new products. Cheers! http://www.theengineer.co.uk/in-depth/analysis/uk-engineer-develops-own-life-saving-implant/1006877.article#Scene_1
  5. "Medicare and Social security will add to the coming deficits, but the problem now is the accumulated past deficits- the national debt. The main contributor to that is past military spending. Revoking medicare and deindexing social security will only ensure that the downward trend flattens. In order for a country to lift itself up from third world to second, from second to first it requires A stable government with wealth enhancing policies, a minimum and increasing literacy rate, a minimum communications infrastucture, high standard of public health and security. These are all public investments, so the process can be long with many setbacks, but some winners have emerged. The opposite is true .. declining levels of education, dropping literacy rates, declining public health as reflected in birth mortality rates (as opposed to # of debutante's boob jobs), rise of internal public "security" and the marginalization of the middle class are all typical of economies going the other way." I have not posted here often, in fact, this might be only the 2nd or 3rd time I have ever replied to a post. I notice that whenever discussions take on political issues, there are a lack of links to go along with the facts? (opinion?) written on these pages. A link is always treasured, because I love to question the beliefs that I hold, to make sure I am being honest with myself. These political questions (military spending vs social programs?, is Social Security a government Ponzi scheme, etc, etc) are definitely questions I have to re-visit time to time to see if my beliefs can withstand some scrutiny.
  6. After the Annual Meeting had ended, saw Sokol at the BYD/Mid-American display. He was very impressive, gave clear, concise answers to questions from shareholders. That day, he mentioned that if Congress had an opt-out of cap-and-trade, that they would take it. This simple solution he writes is probably too much common-sense, too little chance for favor-swapping. Congress and/or Obama will never accept it. We shall see what happens. As to what dealraker proposed, I am with you. The man has a good long-term outlook, and wasn't he the one behind the proposal to buy Constellation?
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