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Everything posted by elevensecsrt4

  1. I too am looking at this hard again....I have been able to get some @165 ish and hoping it gets there soon...in 2024 Management seems to like it at 160...care to share your quick thoughts on the starter position.
  2. We have cut cable since 2010. We currently use netflix, amazon prime, hulu plus ( wife insists) and just signed up for sling to try out the streaming of the nba playoffs. Since cutting the cord, we watch less tv. But we like it that way. Before we had DVR and felt like we HAD to watch all these shows we saved to watch. I Use Rokus...my own kids don't understand commercial breaks.. ???
  3. I don't know if this has been posted but here is another site that has 2014 store closures tallied...Although I haven't researched them all to verify the info.. http://investcorrectly.com/20141016/sears-kmart-2014-closure-list/
  4. ^^^ Very true. Not stocking for a holiday season seems likely.
  5. It seems to me that in the past shld has closed kmart stores in the 1st qtr (after Christmas season) as opposed to the 4th qtr.(closed before Christmas). They indeed may be trying to take advantage of the busier shopping season before Christmas to liquidate more quickly. It is interesting that some of these stores have leases expiring at later dates and are still closing before the lease ends. anyway thanks to all for keeping up with store closures here in this thread.
  6. Very interesting developments. I wish Monish luck with this new company!
  7. There are lots of great ideas and techniques in this thread....many thanks...being inactive in the market is one of the hardest things to learn it seems.
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