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  1. I am holding and pretty much agreed with Michael here https://twitter.com/urbankaoboy/status/1351185902207426563?s=21 Like COBFInifinity said, if going to 0 is unlikely all we need to do is wait. Which series do you like COBF?
  2. With all the negativity around Mnuchin not delivering what we expected, I still think there is something positive that happened that maybe we overlooked. Is Mnuchin not doing anything be a better alternative? Hopefully, MC will give clarification next week in his interview.
  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-13/trump-team-s-final-act-on-fannie-freddie-leaves-fates-to-biden
  4. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-11/biden-s-team-explores-ways-to-replace-fannie-freddie-regulator
  5. Is there a way to easily confirm this? I am still holding and thinking about what if scenarios on what Yellen will do and what her plan is once she is in office IF SM doesn’t do what we think he’ll do. We have been disappointed many times so if SM does something it’ll be an exception to the norm. Just be careful what you post here, it’s a stressful time for those holdings.
  6. I love it lol
  7. Since you're talking about long term, what can Yellen do when she is in power to stop whatever Calabria is planning now?
  8. Nothing is stopping this train https://outline.com/2FL4Kg
  9. There is an WSJ opinion 2 days ago - https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-continuing-saga-of-fannie-and-freddie-11608480578
  10. A lot of timelines have been thrown around - the last date for conclusion discussed here was 12/9. I don’t know how you can get 100% confidence that something will happen between now and mid January. My own assessment of the probability would be less than 50% for sure. I also think that all those leaks ( sitting on his desk waiting to be signed ) are probably worthless. At this point anyone has its arguments belive on one side or another (no one is right or wrong until 20th of january). Taking account GSEs reform history one should think this wont be done, but I think this will get done given all past months nuggets. I had to double check whether I did 100% or 0% that Mnuchin will act ;D. Interesting that it is interpreted as the same meaning.
  11. Nailed it! I agree as well (probably a first in this board). It is quite possible they you can buy the preferred with a good risk reward after a deal is announced. That’s sort of why I am watching this somewhat. Right now, it’s just a crapshoot and time is running out. If nothing happens in the next 3 weeks, then it will likely take another 4 years to waiting. And why would it happen in the last 3 weeks when they couldn’t get anything done in the last 4 years? I was looking back at the ACG timeline last night and wonder how it will get affected by Biden win. I think the timeline is expecting Mnuchin to ends the PSPA between now until mid Jan. I almost consider Mnuchin not doing anything between this time at 0% because it's such a low hanging fruit to basically make history for himself.
  12. If you have looked at the past 5 year chart for FNMAS, you'll see that every time it spikes up, investors were thinking it's just around the corner and every time they're proven wrong. So people who are staying and keeping the shares are probably the insane one expecting a different results. Similar to what happen few years ago with TSLA when news broke out that TSLA might go bankrupt, you'll need similar faith to Elon that he is going to take care of things. You need similar faith here in Mnuchin where he'll do the right move. This thread is public so whichever bot is monitoring this conversation has already taken account information posted here. Of course when the facts change, you need to change your mind. So far no news channels have quoted Mnuchin/Calabira are going to do other than what they have stated.
  13. You'll need faith in Mnuchin for you to be in this trade. Similar to the TSLA trade lol
  14. Random questions, do journalist have privileges to trades on these information? I imagine journalists could make a handsome profit doing these articles.
  15. And the answer is that nothing will be done before they leave. They have to think about their future as they leave the office. They could be offered highly paid jobs like the other "revolving door" politicians who implemented the NWS. Of course if that's not enough incentive, what just happened to Brian Kemp's daughter's bf could be enough incentive. I think that's exactly what we're betting on - that they will do something before they leave.
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