Excellent response!
Given the two constraints (1) all you money and (2) rest of your life, hands down index funds would be the only choice.
Any other choice is going to be vastly inferior from a risk/reward perspective.
When looking at 30+ years, markets are likely to go through many changes as economy evolves. The managers you are going to select now are all going to have terrific current long term records. As they go through tough times you would be faced with a decision whether to stick with them or change. To evaluate active fund managers you need be as good at picking stocks as them to make that decision. So picking active managers means being active to some extent and it cannot be a pick and forget.
I have been tracking 20 mutual fund managers since 2001. It is partly to know my ability to identify superior managers and partly to invest in them as a portion of my portfolio is restricted to mutual funds. My intent is to jump into the underperforming managers from this select set of to get some additional alpha. On the whole it has been a small net positive and that too with benefit from a bit of luck.
If I had just stuck with my initial subset of those 20, it would have been a significant underperformance.