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  1. Here's the video on fb https://www.facebook.com/econclubny/videos/2248264695265915/
  2. Congrats and good luck!
  3. Congrats Sanjeev!
  4. This is great! I really hate using word to compare filings.
  5. OIBR ... it hit a bottom a few days back and has since climbed up and keeps climbing slwoly - you could perhaps make 10% by the end of the week. More importantly, if you buy now (0.88$) you will be buying lower than most everyone else and it has 90% upside according to Packer :) I am long OIBR, but .... Caveat emptor!
  6. Well put! Sadly, though, people as a group excel at deluding themselves .... so nobody knows when the "waking up" will take place
  7. Just for fun, I went on Alexa.com to check out the site rank of seekingalpha.com: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/seekingalpha.com Now it is the 326th most visited site in the US and the 901st in the world ... last time I looked at this data (last summer) it was 590th in the US. More interesting - the demographics are changing, with the proportion of people with no college education visiting the site growing. I leave it in each of your capable hands to figure out what this means. Gio - thanks for the article on the EU. I agree with the sentiment - Europe is a time bomb ... however the "fancy" economic equation reminded me of my level 1 CFA exam :)
  8. Nice, Congratulations!
  9. I believe it's this http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-11/senators-release-details-of-new-bill-eliminating-fannie-mae.html
  10. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
  11. Outstanding! No need to throw away money on a flashy website.
  12. Interesting, Thanks for posting
  13. Where I live there are really no cheap cars due to high import taxes and one country dealer/importer monopoly - a new 4D Honda Civic with a 1.6 liter engine costs more than USD 40,000 :(
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