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  1. The bifurcation in views between preferred and common makes me laugh. Ackman thinks the common are the fulcrum security, while others view them as toilet paper. I guess we'll find out.
  2. Agree. Moreover, looking out to the 2020 elections, if the economy holds, the stable genius is likely to get reelected. Fed is holding steady. A trade deal with China and clawback of tariffs needs to take place, and probably will in some form. This leads me to believe that reelection is likely, and that irreversible administrative action, while favorable, may not be a necessity.
  3. What cracks me up is that in any given transaction there is a seller and a buyer. If all of the big institutional players were selling, there would have to be other players buying, presumably just as large. Movement in a stock price doesn’t reflect massive selling or buying per se, just a difference in opinion as to that security’s value. Muscleman needs to go work out with Gasparino and post selfies with a fanny pack on.
  4. So you think as long as the treasury plan exists, it has to be bullish and make preferred to par quickly? Can there be a case where the plan requires 8 years to get preferreds to par? Or can the plan be in such a huge resistance by the big banks that it is not able to raise the equities, and it was forced to be delayed over and over? The IBankers want the IPO fee for sure, but if they could kill it and take over, the longer term profits are much greater. Could they be trying this and delaying it post 2020 to see if they can get a Democratic president in and give them what they wanted? Is it time for MM and Emily to go hit up the gym?
  5. The inverse head and shoulders pattern has me very bullish here. ;)
  6. I agree with what Tim Howard says. Just saying.
  7. Would be glad to buy you a beer as well!!!
  8. https://twitter.com/joelight/status/1126175599507202049 Joe light blocked me...can someone post text if important. thx It's all right here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-08/fannie-freddie-may-be-released-without-congress-calabria-says
  9. https://finance.yahoo.com/video/buffett-affordable-housing-lending-192948580.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=tw Thanks!
  10. I read that Buffett/Munger got a question about Fannie/Freddie yesterday. Anybody see or hear it to provide some context?
  11. What are your thoughts on how a favorable 5th Circuit decision might influence administrative reform?
  12. Based on my technical analysis, the market thinks it is certain that this 3/31 dividend will be paid. So we'll see. It has been flashing red lights to me since 2/25. Could we get some kind of surprise? We certainly could. But the market is usually right most of the time. What did your fortune cookie say though?
  13. I think your subconscious is really making you feel miserable for having sold. But don't worry. Maybe enough of retail gets scared that you get your chance. Based on your posts Muscle, I would wait for an inverse head and shoulders pattern to emerge. If you see a smiley face form in the charts, even better.
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