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Luke 532

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Posts posted by Luke 532


    I think the plan will be more general and nonspecific than may would want, but there is one point that I expect to be made, and if it is I will be satisfied.


    I expect the plan to make clear that the GSEs will be returned to private ownership by means of retention of earnings and capital raises, market conditions permitting.  right there, this would imply that the NWS must end.  whether the plan specifically states this, and even goes on to discuss the 10% moment and how we have reached the 12% moment as phillips has said, I know not, but I would rather expect that these details will await the Calabria/mnuchin negotiation.  any references to capital will be bromide like...safety etc rather than specific amounts and %s.  there will likely be no reference to settling litigation, but again this would be implied.


    we know that the plan will call upon congress to permit additional guarantors and a limited fed guaranty.  I expect the plan will not state that moving to private capital will await congressional action.  I would hope the plan sets forth next steps which would refer to fhfa negotiation and regulatory action.


    the whole HUD angle is an unknown.  how it affects the GSEs is hard to predict, but I expect the plan will call for HUD to improve operations and reduce risk...without saying how.


    I think cherzeca may very well be right.  I wonder how the prefs would react the week following the plan release in terms of percentage of par under cherzeca's scenario.


    Yes, that's a few outlets now that have said shortly after Labor Day instead of September/October.  Interesting that this is what ACG Analytics said two weeks ago (on August 13th)...

    #GSE #FHA #Presidential memo out post Labor Day. Not surprising DC roads vacant of traffic. Summer Ghost town.


    Q:Do you know how long after Labor Day?  Days, weeks, maybe longer?  Many thanks!

    A: ASAP

    Q: So around September 3rd, 4th, 5th... that week?  Thanks.

    A: That’s what we are told in DC.

  3. https://seekingalpha.com/news/3493786-fannie-mae-adds-sheila-bair-board


    Fannie Mae (OTCQB:FNMA) names Sheila C. Bair, former chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, to its board.


    Bair had also service as assistant secretary for financial institutions at the U.S. Department of Treasury and senior vice president for government relations at the New York Stock Exchange.


    She will be serving on the board's compensation committee, nominating and corporate governance committee, and the risk policy and capital committee.

  4. He seems to have been directionally right so far...not great to keep hearing that the time period for release keeps getting stretched, but hopefully happens soon.


    SCOOP: @USTreasury puts final touches on long awaited @FannieMae @FreddieMac reform memo skedded release in Sept-Oct. Addresses "recap/release" from conservatorship; unlikely to address IPO plans. Treas waiting on final word from @WhiteHouse on memo


    more on this NOW with @LizClaman as @USTreasury eyes Sept-Oct time frame to release long-awaited memo on reforming GSEs. @WhiteHouse will provide comments in coming days before Treasury finalizes $FNMA $FMCC Treasury had no comment on matter

  5. https://perspectives.agf.com/a-government-in-paralysis/

    "Two of the remaining heavyweights in the Cabinet — Mike Pompeo and Stephen Mnuchin — are thinking of leaving this fall. Pompeo knows that ISIS and the Taliban haven’t been defeated, yet the president wants to disengage. Mnuchin is exasperated on trade, and both are grappling with enormous unfilled vacancies."


    Thank you. That would definitely be concerning if he were to leave prior to plan being implemented.

  6. Read earlier this morning that there are rumblings that Mnuchin is thinking of leaving this fall because he is "exasperated on trade". This seems like a real risk IMO since it would most likely serve to dramatically elongate the R&R process, especially if the end to NWS has not been negotiated and announced - new TRSY Sec. would have to get up to speed and might have a very different view than Mnuchin.


    Anyone with a different view?


    Where'd you hear that? Thanks in advance.

  7. Looks like Moelis was active today and ACG Analytics was there..



    Any answers on NWS continuing vs ending, and the timing of such action, if any?


    Bedtime in DC. #NWS to end as part of new negotiated Amendment in 4th quarter


    Question on GSE's... are you hearing the plan being released Labor Day week is positive, negative, or neutral for preferred shareholders?


    #Presidentisl #Mortgage Memo has two parts. #FHA and #GSEa.  They wll have answers to publicly disclosed questions based on what can Admin do alone and do they need Congress for. All positive.


    ACG video from earlier this year if you haven't seen it already: https://www.realvision.com/tv/shows/trade-ideas/videos/a-new-fannie-mae-play


    Is it just me or are these guys tweeting old news?


    They're confirming what we already expected via their contacts in DC, but what the market still doesn't think will happen. And ACG has contacts at FHFA:


  8. Looks like Moelis was active today and ACG Analytics was there..



    Any answers on NWS continuing vs ending, and the timing of such action, if any?


    Bedtime in DC. #NWS to end as part of new negotiated Amendment in 4th quarter


    Question on GSE's... are you hearing the plan being released Labor Day week is positive, negative, or neutral for preferred shareholders?


    #Presidentisl #Mortgage Memo has two parts. #FHA and #GSEa.  They wll have answers to publicly disclosed questions based on what can Admin do alone and do they need Congress for. All positive.


    ACG video from earlier this year if you haven't seen it already: https://www.realvision.com/tv/shows/trade-ideas/videos/a-new-fannie-mae-play

  9. " Have the shareholders been robbed off more than $25 in dividends for a $25 stock? Yes


    Have they looted over 270 billion from two of the companies that control 15% of economy and left them with just 3 billion in capital and making them completely vulnerable to downturns and recession? Yes


    Have they lost credibility of  crap  talk on camera by not stopping  NWS immediately ? Yes


    Have the public been lied over and over again on timing of recap : Jan 6, March, June, July, Aug and goes on. Yes


    Have they applied double standard on constitutionality when compared with CFPB so that loot can keep going on? Yes


    Have they  been able to reach out to courts as well to meddle into  our justice system? "


    "The best and most legitimate quotes are those that offer no source or reference."

  10. right now, no equity offerings are imminent.  market is worried over china, trade and HK repression.  this too shall pass, but trump is letting his stubbornness on trade risk his other priorities, to say nothing about his reelection.


    BI says the plan of the re-IPO is imminent, not the execution of said plan.  I know there's plenty of hair on the execution (as there is with any IPO), but I was simply pointing out the release of the plan itself and the BI saying it will include an IPO.


    An IPO being part of the plan isn't news to anybody on this board (at least it shouldn't be), but BI saying it's imminent at this juncture bodes very well for prefs.

  11. A few years ago I sent a number of free books to people that responded to the message below with a PM.  I'm doing it again for a movie called The Case for Christ.  Just send me a private message with your address and whether you prefer DVD or Blu-ray and I'll send you a free copy.  Thanks.


    “the pleasure of being above the rest” does.

    See C.S. Lewis, MERE CHRISTIANITY 122 (Harper Collins

    2001). Let the word go forth: for however much the judiciary

    has emboldened the administrative state, we “say what the law

    is.” Marbury, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) at 177.


    To anybody reading this post, I'd like to offer a free copy of the book mentioned in the filing, Mere Christianity.  The late author, C.S. Lewis, was an atheist that investigated the merits of the claims of Jesus Christ.


    You might recognize Lewis' name because he also wrote The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (as part of The Chronicles of Narnia).


    Send me a private message if you'd like a free copy.


    Amazon link of the book: https://www.amazon.com/Christianity-Amplified-Introduction-Broadcast-Christian/dp/B000OESR7K/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1475256965&sr=8-3&keywords=mere+christianity

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