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Posts posted by PullTheTrigger

  1. 1) You wouldn't need a convoy of 100 trucks because you could just as easily have 15 convoys of 7 trucks.


    Yes, the term the industry is using is "truck platooning." A small number of vehicles "linked" together with autonomous systems. There is a lead vehicle that controls all the following vehicles. Still lots of testing to do. It would likely just be a small number of vehicles (less than 10), but I'm sure they'll figure out the optimal number based on the roads, etc.







  2. I'm not taking sides, but wanted to post another viewpoint from an "expert."




    Richard S. Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


    Richard Lindzen's scientific stance on climate change and anthropogenic global warming is that the earth goes through natural periods of global warming and cooling.


    According to Dr. Lindzen, the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are problematic and limited because they are based on computer models which Lindzen says are "generally recognized as experimental tools whose relation to the real world is questionable."


    Furthermore, he feels that the issue of global warming is completely political, and that policy makers and the media not only manipulate science but also force scientists to produce work that supports a particular agenda.

  3. Eric,


    I'm just starting my research into the Paleo diet and came across this website on "bulletproof coffee". Ignore all the coffee they are trying to sell, but I'd be curious on your opinion on this. Basically the breakfast is coffee blended with butter (grass fed only) and MCT oil (or coconut oil). Lots of claims on the site, but I'd be curious to get your opinion.





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