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  1. While I agree with many aspects of the video, I think it misses the big point that wealth/resources cannot endlessly accrue to capital providers. At some point in the automation cycle we'll hit the point where there is real demand destruction and/or a deepening of the economic divide already present in our country. Both of these scenarios would lead to civil unrest and hopefully a redistribution of wealth. The very jobs that are being automated are the ones that are needed to support products produced by automation. The premise that automation can happen ad infinitum without eventually destroying the economy is specious, in my opinion.
  2. I'll end my contribution with this.. excerpted from a Business Insider piece after Shepard Smith used "coward" in his monologue last night. "In his book “Myths About Suicide,” psychologist Thomas Joiner deconstructs the idea that suicide is cowardly or selfish. “It certainly seems selfish from the outside,” Joiner told NPR in 2010. “I understand the sentiment. But the trouble is, in trying to reason about the suicidal mind from a non-suicidal place — that’s basically where most of these myths come from. “What the suicidal person is thinking at the time is actually quite different from selfishness. Their idea is along the lines of, my death will be worth more than my life to others,” he added. “Now, if you ponder that sentiment, that’s not selfish at all. In fact, if anything it’s the opposite. It’s very selfless.” Read more: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/08/12/fox-news-host-labels-robin-williams-such-a-coward-over-alleged-suicide/#ixzz3AD3URPZo"
  3. I freely admitted that I don't understand it. Yet, your actions have consequences which effect other people regardless of what happens to be going on inside your head. Maybe someone who has been tormented by voices in their head for years can't be blamed for killing 5 people at a park on a Sunday afternoon, but that doesn't mean it should be considered acceptable. The fact is any culture which considers suicide a socially acceptable way to deal with depression has more suicide than other cultures. If you disagree with that, you should look into the issue a little more. You don't have to like it, but its true regardless of how that makes you feel. Yes, because killing people is totally an appropriate analogue to suffering with severe depression. Nowhere did I say that suicide is, or should be, socially acceptable. My point is that people who don't suffer from it have no idea how it feels, yet continually, as you've done, make assertions that convey a superior understanding. My only response is to look at the messages from both his wife and daughter. Nowhere do you see them claiming selfishness, just profound sadness. To me that shows a deeper understanding of the subject at hand.
  4. With all due respect RKABang, I think you're out of your depth here. I think sentiment like yours is one of the reasons many people quietly suffer from depression. Thinking suicide is "selfish" is a complete misunderstanding of the disease. Selfish implies that one has control over how they're feeling, and that "gee, if they just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, they could get through it." Why we think this attitude is OK when the brain is the organ in question is beyond me. If you continually felt at your worst, not for days or months, but years, how do you think you would feel? Seriously contemplate that. I don't think many people can, hence the adage, "you have to experience clinical depression to understand it." Nevertheless, people will continue to use their "normal" brains to analyze a brain disorder, which is why I think the stigma surrounding mental illness still exists.
  5. I missed the first meeting, but I'd like to come to the next meeting if/when it happens.
  6. Thanks for the response. I will check my schedule and respond through the Eventbrite link if I'm able to attend.
  7. I'm up in the Bellingham area, but would like to attend if this is an on-going happening. I cover Industrials for our Company, but am broadly interested in almost any exchange of ideas. Seeing that I just happened upon this thread today, I surmise I am too late for tomorrow's meeting? Would love to be involved/participate in future meetings, though. Thanks.
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