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Everything posted by hyten1

  1. actually for some perspective (for myself as well) After inflation the S&P 500 is 22.4% below its March 2000 high.
  2. txitxo any stock recommendation from europe? hy
  3. in regards to real estate we just recently sold a place in nyc i was shock when we put it on the market, we had 6 offers at asking or over within a few days, the deal is done before the photographer came to take the picture for the listing. we bought this place at the end 2009 when very few people were buying, now we sold it for over 30% higher crazy :) but then again, i think we bought it at a very good price, with the limited inventory the prices has gone up, but to be honest the price we sold it at (even thought is 30% higher than when we bought it) at the currently condition, its a reasonable price.
  4. my cash level have been building its now 40% but there are some values out there, but its very hard not to speculate that a short term drop will occur which will allow you to buy at a lower price but then again, i have been waiting for that for a month or 2 as the market keeps going up :) hy
  5. folks, thanks for everyone's input, all very interesting and good things to think about i guess i was wondering for the folks who have done it, meaning have achieve "passive income that can support themselves and then some" would love you here your experiences, what are your income distribution look like (10% dividend, 20% rental income etc.)? i know eric retire and live off his investments, was wondering how do you eric pay the bills? is it mostly just selling or take a X amount out from your equity portfolio per year to cover your expenses? and/or some other asset that generate income? i am still trying to achieve "passive income that can support themselves and then some"
  6. I have been thinking about this on and off for a while now. I know when most people think about investing and making money from investing, they think about the capital appreciation part. However, one thing that i have been trying to do is generate enough passive income where the passive income can both satisfy my living needs as well as have enough passive income to obviously put back to be invested again. my point is not to say which is better or worst and I understand if you have enough capital (even if you don't focus on investing for income) the power of large number will take care of the income part automatically. I was wondering anyone have any insight/trick/color on the best ways/places to invest for income. Any one have experience in this regard? Just curious. EDIT: not sure what i am trying to get from everyone, i understand all the typical investment you can get income (bonds, equity with dividend, real estate as rentals etc etc.)
  7. for those who don't want to read 800 pages http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904106704576583203589408180.html
  8. http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/RV-AE377B_VIOLE_G_20110923205702.jpg
  9. stahleyp funny you said this :) " I believe more lives have been lost during these wars than the past several thousand years combined. " you'll be surprise by your statement above after reading the book :) hy
  10. stahleyp you should read "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" you'll be surprise by it as a citizen of the current world due to our hyper media you would think we live in the most dangerous time in history, the truth cannot be more different. i can't do justice to the topic, "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" can, that is why its 800 pages :) after reading it you'll find something similar to value investing, that sometimes perception is very far from the truth, similar to a overhype stock or stock destin to die while the opposite eventually happens. hy
  11. for those interested you should read "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0143122010/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 relative to the past our world is a much much better/safe place. this book was recommended by bill gates.
  12. i know there are more important things to complain and worry about but this market has been very frustrating... it keeps going up its hard to see after you sold a position, thinking that you'll be able to buy it back lower, and see the stock continue to go up :) i have been searching/looking for new ideas, so far have not found anything interesting, many stock that i am watching and would buy it if the price drop is anyone feeling the same? i can see how i would under perform the market when the market shots up, with expanding market multiple
  13. eric what if your strategy backfires you end up having short term capital gain from your puts :)
  14. finetrader i am a little confused you bought deep ITM (in the money) puts? doesn't that cost more? hy
  15. guys i know this sounds good in theory ... but in practice? (I understand why you would do it) i mean take 2008 and 2009 for example tons of stock were on sale, i put all my money to work during that time (0% cash by the time it was mid 2009). basically i was looking for whatever was cheap within my circle of competence. and there were quite a few (don't want to sound like it was easy for me at the time, eventhough i was putting money to work, it was not easy, your brain says "this is crazy cheap" but your heart goes crazy seeing the stock drop like it did during 2008, 2009) i just find it difficult let say you have put in 90% of your money and you come up with a good investment that will ONLY make 50% annualized, do you pass it up :) because you are waiting for the 70% :)
  16. i am cheap i use the free screener from yahoo http://screener.finance.yahoo.com/fscr/us/launch.html
  17. folks i have not done a lot of research yet still looking but i did notice one article that mention their inventory (finished goods) has been growing faster than sales, any comments on this? hy
  18. well i typically look for things that i can see it double within 1 to 3 years, that is my hurdle rate hy
  19. west, packer, vinod1 which valueline subscription do you guys subscribe to? hy
  20. well said! this has always been one of my frustration, people feel entitled its disgusting to see people complain in this country, because they don't have A or B etc. (people want to talk about poverty and hardship, they should move out of the US) my parents (and many immigrants) came to this country without much, they follow the rules and work hard and sacrifice. while i see american on TV saying they don't have a job or money (while you see everyone in the family has cell phones, flat screens, xbox, cars, living in a decent looking house etc.). there are jobs (just not the one they want). they don't need many of the stuff that they have (but they want it and feel entitled) stop complaining and start doing whatever it takes. I don't think people understand "whatever it takes" mean. (within the law)
  21. maybe some of these title company should stick with simple residential properties, one condo/coop, one house at a time
  22. a_hamilton thanks hy
  23. A_Hamilton you are correct any idea why its so high? before i started looking I would think 1 out of 100 or so title insurance have losses. what is it about this industry that 1 out of every 10 real estate transation result in title having some sort of issue. as you can tell i am new to this :) EDIT: forgive me, after i posted this i realize. so the # of title insurance that goes bad is considerably less that 10%, since the notional exposure of the loss is significantly higher than the premium received. hy
  24. folks, i have been researching title insurance companies (just learning and reading). one thing that puzzle me is the industry title loss provision on the yearly bases is around 8-10% why is it so high? it just seem to me so high that 1 out of 10 real estate transaction there is an title issue? why is that? is there that many fraud in this space? I would think before an real estate transaction occurs the buyer/seller/lawyer/bank etc would have done the research and would know if the title is good? anyone have any background on the industry etc. on why 1 out of ever 10 RE transaction we have a title problem? thank you hy
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