How has your investment strategy changed throughout your life? I see a lot of older people posting on this forum and I find it really interesting that there are some of you that have played this game for many more years than I have. For context, I am a 21-year-old accounting major that has been studying investment for only about two years now. I seem to have new ideas about my investment strategy every day, I can only assume that other people on here are the same. I used to primarily look at book value but now believe earnings to be the most important factor regarding an investment. This is of course if both the balance sheet and management support the company behind given earnings. For some of you experienced investors, I'm sure that this seems very trivial. For me however, it was a breakthrough. I'm wondering what are the eye-openers some of you have had, either recently or in the past, that have changed your view on investment. Being that there are many that haven't experienced an investing environment outside of the low rates in the recent past, adding age for context would be nice. But of course, you don't have to.