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  1. Yes, at a nice hotel next to Borsheims. Friday night only. PM for details
  2. I was curious if any of you guys have seen recent industries to analyze to short. Previous ones that come to mind include: - For profit education - Pay day loans - Multi-level Marketing companies Any others?
  3. how about john deere?
  4. What are some good uses of landfills? I snowboarded an old landfill turned ski resort the other week, but is there any way to leverage the value of these landfills?
  5. When looking at protein inflation, you have to consider: - Which protein are you talking about? The price elasticities of chicken, pork, and beef among others is different. Referring to an old Tyson investor presentation. For beef, for example, this is the more elastic of the three. All else equal, it seems that price inflation would hurt the demand side of protein more. Not all proteins are created equal. - In the supply chain, there are only a few processors though feedlots are becoming more consolidated as well. It seems as though the processors will act rationally and squeeze out the feedlots as has been done in the past. Referring to cattle / beef mostly. - As far as I understand, restaurants have long-term contracts for meat. Let's say PF Chang's has a year contract. They will most likely try to pass this to the consumer. I think processors would feel pressure especially from retailers like Wal-Mart to keep prices low as they feel pressure from the end user. Unless there is a way to hedge, these processors might not be able to pass along price increases to all their customers. End consumers would surely feel the heat as well. However, processors have a bit of leverage over feedlots so I'm not as concerned on that front.
  6. wow...if that is right, is there anyone who thinks that the compensation is pretty excessive? seems very aggressive to me and that you could make his interests align with company performance without the excess. is it greed or talent investors are paying for to approve this plan (or something else)?
  7. I have a hotel for Friday night at the Sleep Inn near the event at 2525 Abbott Dr., Omaha, NE I will be staying there but would be willing to have a roommate to split the cost ($150 per night....considering prolonging stay til Saturday night as well)... PM me if anyone is interested in splitting these costs
  8. what are some companies that could be interesting in this space if / as this continues? SLM? NNI? ONE?
  9. thanks twacowfca! good stuff...
  10. I have an interview at a value fund coming up and was wondering if anyone had any questions I should be prepared for. I imagine fit is the key and showing I'm passionate about value investing. Some basic questions I can think of are: - What do you know about our fund? - Discuss an original investment idea. - What books have you read recently? And CBS has a good resource: www0.gsb.columbia.edu/students/.../cima_interviewquestions.pdf Any technical questions / brainteasers / others that would be good to be aware of? Thanks!
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