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MINT Romney, If Elected, Would Be The Fourth Wealthiest U.S. President

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Guest ValueCarl

This is in spite of the article erroneously ranking him as second while including the President of the Patowmack Canal Company, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and JFK's trust acct. as if it weren't enough of a gift from his father. These are estimates of peak wealth and excluded fortunes which were lost or reduced in size from their high tides.




<The net worth figures for the 10 wealthiest presidents are in 2010 dollars. Because a number of presidents, particularly in the early 19th century, made and lost huge fortunes in a matter of a few years, the net worth for each president is for the peak time.>



There must be more to the Washington story; however, since working for pittance as the historical account suggests, hardly factors for amassing a $525M 2010 "peak period" inflation adjusted estimate! On the other hand, it was probably good for the hard working laborers who did the heavy lifting under many harsh conditions to hear fantasies such as this.     




<Washington the Canal Builder

While Washington’s support of the project was invaluable, he was a visionary, not an engineer. Notices were placed in newspapers in Baltimore and Philadelphia, but the problem was that no one in America knew how to build a canal.>






Read more at Suite101: George Washington's First Presidency: The Patowmack Canal Sought to Make the Potomac River Navigable | Suite101.com http://jim-rada.suite101.com/george-washingtons-first-presidency-a59489#ixzz1mmpzapsZ


I'm trying to figure out the significance of this as both Romney and Obama are in the 1% so what difference does it make if you have a net worth of millions versus hundreds of millions?  In today's world the lifestyles would be very similar.   



Guest ValueCarl

Ah, what GOOD DOTH MAN with ALL THE MONEY in the WORLD, but VOID of CHARACTER! The beauty and wisdom of Buffett is fully contained in such statements. 

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