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Hi guys,


Thought just share this since everyone has been generous with ideas/advice over the years. There is a software that allows one to reflow pdfs and make it more kindle friendly (in terms of making font size fit to Kindle screen). This is extremely useful for reading pdf copies of Annual reports/SEC filings. I have included the link below.









How well does this work for SEC reports and company published pdf annual/interim reports on the Kindle 6"?


The reason I ask is I think a Kindle would be incredibly useful in reading filings but I've held off because all I've heard is that filings look like junk on there.


The biggest complaint is that the filings don't scale down and the financial tables get all garbled.  If this software fixes all of that I just might take the plunge.




Another option is using secfilings.com and generating 10k pdf reports. I can easily read this on my Kindle DX (using the horizontal view).  The software is not perfect but pretty decent. Hopefully, there will be improved versions of the software down the line..


Hi guys,


Thought just share this since everyone has been generous with ideas/advice over the years. There is a software that allows one to reflow pdfs and make it more kindle friendly (in terms of making font size fit to Kindle screen). This is extremely useful for reading pdf copies of Annual reports/SEC filings. I have included the link below.







Mike - Thanks.  I was wondering about this after struggling with a few pdf research reports in Kindle and Nook.  It is a life saver - I hate to print it out and hate reading long pdfs on pc.

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