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I.M.F. Head & French Socialist Front Runner For Presidency; Not Likely!

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Guest ValueCarl



Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62, who was widely expected to become the Socialist candidate for the French presidency, was apprehended by detectives of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey in the first class section of the jetliner, and immediately turned over to detectives from the Midtown South Precinct, officials said.


The New York Police Department took Mr. Strauss-Kahn into custody, where he was “being questioned in connection with the sexual assault of a hotel chambermaid earlier this afternoon,” Deputy Commissioner Paul J. Browne, the department’s chief spokesman, said Saturday evening. “He is being arrested for a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment.”

Guest ValueCarl

Bad behavior is a universal principle transcending the globe top on down throughout the human species. When it is being propagated from the very top in morally corrupt ways; however, by people who are supposed to stand for something inclusive of the business of money and politics, you can be sure society as a whole will suffer profusely from the mirroring effect of such terrible role models.


By the way, with the expectation that this French maid, correction, more than likely she was Hispanic in the upscale Manhattan hotel he exposed himself, will drop the charges when she receives sufficient hush money in the millions:


Nothing less than, "And Justice For All," will give this scoundrel-yes, I am prejudging because the facts cited seem obvious-will get what he deserves, i.e., sufficient time in the slammer with Bubba and the rest of his friends from various races and creed!


Oh yes, and why should you hope for a more severe outcome, goldfinger? Because that could have been your daughter, mother or wife, attacked by that stranger, a foreign pig looking for a poke from an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time while going about her daily business to provide for herself and/or family.    



Guest ValueCarl

Update: Arrest of IMF chief will not affect Greece's resolve to implement bailout plan, a government spokesman says - Reuters

Guest ValueCarl

He was picked out of a line up by the maid who is accusing him, and is being held in a jail uptown in "Harlem" while he pleads "not guilty" of course. Being held in a generally tough neighborhood of uptown Manhattan, NY, gives him close enough access to Bill Clinton's, "I did NOT have sex with that woman," office. Bill has the connections to get him out of his mess. Hell, Reverend Al Sharpton, along with Jessie Jackson and The Rainbow Coalition may even end up there to demonstrate on his behalf! And, if he's really lucky, Representative Charlie Rangel, with the frog voice, will break his ethical code yet again and stump for him!   


The "Great Seducer," as they call him, would have been better off trying Eliot Spitzer's methods for a man not content enough with his wife for relieving his great stress, that being, calling on one of those expensive escort services versus attempting to jump some strange woman's bones like the street animal that he is!  




NEW YORK (AP) -- Dominique Strauss-Kahn's reputation with women earned him the nickname "the great seducer," and not even an affair with a subordinate could knock the International Monetary Fund leader off a political path pointed in the direction of the French presidency. All that changed with charges that he sexually assaulted a maid in his hotel room, a case that generated shock and revulsion, especially in his home country.


Police said the maid picked Strauss-Kahn out of a lineup. Unless the charges are quickly dropped, they could destroy his chances in a presidential race that is just starting to heat up.


The IMF, which plays a key role in efforts to control the European debt crisis, named an acting leader and said it remains "fully functioning and operational" despite Saturday's arrest.


Strauss-Kahn's lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, told The Associated Press that his client will plead not guilty. He and another lawyer went in and out of the Harlem police precinct where Strauss-Kahn was being held early Sunday afternoon, and declined to answer reporters' questions until the arraignment, which was expected later Sunday.


"He denies all the charges against him," Brafman said. "And that's all I can really say right now."          

Guest ValueCarl

Yup, now I see why they brought the SOB to Harlem, NY. My friends always supply me with all the information I am feeling intuitively to "CONNECT THE DOTS" beyond my mind which was thinking, why all the way uptown in Harlem when the incident occurred in mid-town? At first glance rubes might think, New York is going to deliver him a tough blow, NOT! Fresh off my newswire!


"I did not have sex with that woman!"






Oh yes, and why should you hope for a more severe outcome, goldfinger? Because that could have been your daughter, mother or wife, attacked by that stranger, a foreign pig looking for a poke from an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time while going about her daily business to provide for herself and/or family.    




That really says it all. It's sad that humour would be seen in this.

That really says it all. It's sad that humour would be seen in this.

I grew up in France and always had a very bad feeling about Strauss Kahn. So my reaction was not humor but just a confirmation of what I already thought! I left France a long time ago and never looked back.

Sometimes you need to take some distance with things and appreciate them at different levels, not only at the most direct and obvious one.


I thought this was a value-board, a place where people do their homework before making a judgment. Have you guys ever heard about the presumption of innocence?????? How can you judge without knowing the facts for sure?



Guest ValueCarl

Considering the importance of this individual it will be very interesting how DNA winds up confusing this matter, or NOT, as a result of an arraignment being delayed even after the woman identified her perpetrator in a line up. Who knows, maybe she was star struck by this top 100 global thinker trailing in the polls only behind Warren Buffett and Bill Gates when he surprised her from his bathroom in his birthday suit, similar or dissimilar to the girl who backed away from filing charges against Kobey Bryant some years back.  


With Greece's currency fate on the line, they must rush him back there for unfinished business. Bill Clinton will be arriving at his office in Harlem very early tomorrow morning. imo


<Police said the maid picked Strauss-Kahn out of a lineup. Unless the charges are quickly dropped, they could destroy his chances in a presidential race that is just starting to heat up.  


An arraignment expected Sunday night was postponed until Monday. Strauss-Kahn's lawyer William Taylor said testing for evidence delayed the arraignment.


"Our client willingly consented to a scientific and forensic examination," Taylor said. Strauss-Kahn is "tired, but he's fine."


Strauss-Kahn was arrested on charges of a criminal sex act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment. Authorities were looking for any forensic evidence and DNA.>  

Guest ValueCarl

It's a case of mistaken identity or something more sinister that occurred in the room where the crime was alleged to have taken place by the female maid who identified her attacker as being the room's occupant.




RMC said the lawyers had pieced together Strauss-Kahn's movements and found that he left the hotel at midday, after paying his bill and handing in his key, then went to eat with his daughter and took a taxi to the airport.


The schedule meant he had already left the hotel at the time the maid alleged he chased her down a corridor, forced her into a room and assaulted her, RMC reported on its website, adding that the lawyers had material evidence and witnesses.




Guest ValueCarl

Smear campaigns by Sarkozy being added into the mix as being a plausible "set up." Eric's comment regarding one's presumed innocence until found guilty is prescient. The establishment of DNA will be the linchpin for this case. His willingness to undertake the tests so quickly without resistance makes the story more interesting. What a tangled web the world does spin.   





Hours before Strauss-Kahn was pulled from the flight, a close Socialist Party ally claimed he was the target of a smear campaign by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


"There is now a totally structured and orchestrated campaign, which has already been announced by Mr. Sarkozy and his closest allies, to attack the character of Strauss-Kahn," Socialist politician Jean-Marie Le Guen told Europe 1 radio.



Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2011/05/14/2011-05-14_top_french_politician_dominique_strausskahn_dragged_of_flight_at_jfk_accused_of_.html#ixzz1MWhQis5z

Smear campaigns by Sarkozy being added into the mix as being a plausible "set up."


This crossed my mind last night. This is entirely possible. That's why I make fun of french politicians (I know the place)!

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