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David Sokol Meets The SEC, But What About JUSTICE?

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Guest ValueCarl

Historically, the SEC has become an ineffective extension of complicit lawyers doing the work of Wall Street criminals aiding and abetting white collar crime to the high heavens, such that, America has been gutted during the process, and may never recover from this fall.


Will Warren E. Buffett's rock star status, one of a DEITY with MYTHS being supplied by Wall Street for decades to the extent that the PEOPLE believe there is no other more trustworthy capitalist left in their land, cause the SEC to turn another BLIND EYE towards David Sokol, or will they use this "Oracle's" home grown executive to attempt at redeeming their despicable reputation in the mind's eye of the American Psyche? 


Let your conscience be your guide if you can exhibit enough courage to exercise your vote.

Guest ValueCarl

So there is no confusion about the criminal element I am speaking about here, US politicians cannot be excused from this cesspool of CORRUPTION! When and if I have my dithers surrounding the Crime of this Century, and Buffett's cute, witty "Pearl Harbor" analogies, there will be Nuremberg Trials for the treasonous actions which brought our nation to its current conundrum! Buffett thinks referencing Hank Paulson and George Bush is funny with on campus movies, but I believe it is pathetic as much as they themselves are!  >:(     

Guest ValueCarl

Yup, he's back with the same conviction he always maintains when confronting financial terrorists in the stock market and their government! But he does not come UNARMED without facts or numbers. Although the conclusion to a well written paper he provides leads to the necessary gutting of incumbent regulatory scum too weak and paid for in blood money to get the job done, my recommendation would be to GUT the ENTIRE house of useless politicians in D.C. along with them!


Have fun reading, and keep looking behind your backs for the Nuremberg Trials the perpetrators must endure before The Crime of this Century is resolved. To build an earthquake ravaged house back up to its full strength, it must first be torn down before new construction can begin.


TEAR IT DOWN, and exterminate the vermin from this house!




The challenge will be to not destroy efficiency via regulation but instead to focus

efforts to track down the perpetrators and properly respond. Ignoring the likelihood

of this very real threat ensures a catastrophic event. Therefore, in addition to the

above, it is deemed essential also to do the following:

1. Recognize that protecting the American economy and industrial capability

is a top defense priority that should be properly funded and supported.

While non-combat in nature, economic warfare is essential to protecting

the American way of life.

2. Prepare a task force to thoroughly research the hypothesis of economic

warfare described herein from an economic defense perspective.

3. Create a specialized threat finance unit to develop and implement

appropriate countermeasures to emerging threats in coordination


with key defense, intelligence, and financial agencies, preparing

targeted global responses as needed.

4. Hiring and training of experts and consultants to support

economic/financial threat recognition and awareness in various

departments with redundancy.

5. Recognize that many Wall Street and DC-based experts may have

inherent conflicts of interest due to connections with hedge funds or

others that may have been complicit in market attacks. Likewise,

existing regulators who long overlooked problems may not be the best

candidates for addressing the problems. Finally, traditional defense

and intelligence agencies may not have the economic expertise to

analyze or address the complexities of this situation. Therefore, due to

the magnitude and seriousness of the risks, these efforts are best

served outside traditional agencies and departments. [This follows the

historical precedent from the inception of intelligence agencies in the late

1930s based on concerns of Nazi infiltration at the initial stages of World

War II.]  





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