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Thanks I had actually been meaning to rewatch this. I've never heard of Greg Alexander and know very little of Li Lu. Do you know of any good resources on those two?


Don't know much about Greg Alexander except that WEB credits him for pointing out what astonishing bargains Korean stocks had become after the Asian crisis about a decade ago.  Greg was lapping them up, and WEB soon followed suit.  :)




have you ever read Margin of Safety?




have you ever read Margin of Safety?


Yes, IMO it's one of the top ten investment books of all time and one all serious investors should read.  However, its increased availability should be with the permission of the author.  I would be happy to add my name to a letter to Seth, requesting increased availability, if other interested investors would take the initiative.


Margin of Safety is available through interlibrary loan for those who care to read it.


At my local library its available in the reference section and can't be checked out. Not surprising when used copies sell on Amazon for nearly $1,000!


I see that the earlier comments were edited from this morning.  I was going to reply and thought better of it.  What was missing from the debate is a discussion of "fair use" (US term) and "fair dealing" (Canadian term).  There is an element surrounding fair use of copyrighted materials that are "out of print".  An example of fair use rules are the following:


www.macewanbookstore.com/Copyright-Guidelines-2010-Dec-2.pdf (good treatise of fair dealing on page 2)



Copyright and Electronic Publishing

The same copyright protections exist for the author of a work regardless of whether the work is in a database, CD-ROM, bulletin board, or on the Internet.

If you make a copy from an electronic source, such as the Internet or WWW, for your personal use, it is likely to be seen as fair use. However, if you make a copy and put it on your personal WWW site, it less likely to be considered fair use.

The Internet IS NOT the public domain. There are both uncopyrighted and copyrighted materials available. Assume a work is copyrighted.


Some universities and libraries will make a copy of out-of-print books for about $10 if you meet the fair dealings guidelines in Canada.  Since there is no local university with a copy, I took a copy of the Klarman book to a local printer and had a bound copy made for personal use.  I would gladly pay Klarman if there was a reasonable means to do so.



At my local library its available in the reference section and can't be checked out. Not surprising when used copies sell on Amazon for nearly $1,000!

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