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I am curious what sorts of services do people pay for to screen for ideas and approximate cost Bloomberg is $2k a month and that is pretty steep but I have yet to find a half way decent tool elsewhere for screening that is meaningfully less (if at all).


Use 52 week lows,Low P/E screens(first two you will get it in valueline weekly  you can get it for free online subscription if you subscribe to local library)


If you're looking not to pay for subscriptions the google finance screener is pretty good. It uses reuters data. However it only outputs 30 results a page and doesn't export. So there's a lot of manual copy and pasting. Also I'm pretty sure that it leaves out some results.



This questions comes up every 4 months in one form or another.  The most complete cheap source of data I find is ft.com.  They have very detailed info for all international stocks.  The cost for the digital is $300 / yr. I have managed to get away using their free service for detailed mining. I am not sure why but I am not supposed to. If they catch on to me I will probably cough up the $300 / yr.


Valueline I find is overrated. I did a trial subscription and their coverage universe is tiny.



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