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Posts posted by TW4945

  1. On 12/18/2021 at 7:22 PM, ValueMaven said:

    You are LOCKED for 12M.  Period.  The US Federal Govt has to determine that your area was hit by an emergency (Flood, Wild Fire etc) to warrant a pre-12M redemption.  Who cares - these i Bonds are way better investments then basically most bond funds etc.  


    I have a friend, very successful wall street guy - has 5 kids.  They put in $70K ($10K for each kid, and then husband and wife) in Dec and will do another $70K in Jan.  $140K @ 7.12% - not bad.  He had no idea about these.  That is the real unique part - you are basically double-dipping into year-end, at the elevated CPI U rate.  Plus, if inflation persists then these things really payoff.    

    I think the key is if you are willing to gift the amounts to your children are not. If so, then plow as much into as possible. If not, then $20k this year, $20 next has to suffice. 

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