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Everything posted by Garpy

  1. As long as you keep your subscription account active we will always apply a 50% discount on the base price of the PRO plan for your subsequent renewals. It is our intent that you will pay the $179.40 annually (comes out to $14.95/mo) plus any applicable sales taxes into the future as a thank you to those who have supported us from the beginning. We have every incentive to keep our customers happy for life The reason we are offering such a low price point to our earliest supporters is that we are hoping it will give us the resources to reinvest and improve TIKR. Even though it is challenging for us to maintain our meaningful cost base at such a low price point, we are hoping that we will be able to meaningfully improve TIKR with the resources from our earliest supporters and therefore attract a larger base of customers in the future. This is our way of showing appreciation to our earliest supporters by giving them a lifetime discount to our Pro tier!
  2. Thanks for your support, Spekulatius!
  3. Definitely not by design and not an issue most of our users experience. Please go to app.tikr.com to go directly to the TIKR Terminal. Let me know if that doesn't solve it. Might be something in your browser settings potentially but we can definitely look into it especially if you email us at [email protected]!
  4. And if you still haven't given TIKR a try, would highly recommend that you set up a free account at TIKR.com and give it a try. If you love it, would highly encourage signing up for a Pro account before Jan 2nd to lock in the 50% lifetime discount. We also have a free plan if you prefer
  5. Hi COBF friends, Thanks for the amazing support from this community over the last year. We are excited to finally launch our Freemium model at TIKR.com! We are offering a 50% lifetime discount if you sign up for the new Pro plan before January 2nd, 2022 to thank our early supporters. This comes out to just $14.95/mo for the annual plan! We have built a powerful investment research platform with coverage of 100,000+ stocks globally. We have detailed financials, estimates, valuation, transcripts, filings, ownership, news, a powerful screener and more. We have also just added segment financials and up to 5 years of forward Wall Street consensus estimates. We will never offer a lifetime discount again so be sure to sign up before January 2nd, 2022! Sign into your account settings to claim the lifetime discount! (https://app.tikr.com/account/subs) Let me know if you have any questions
  6. Some recent updates to TIKR! Watchlist Newsfeed: We have now added a newsfeed for your watchlist. Simply go to the Watchlist tab from the left navigation bar and click through the News, Significant Developments, Filings, and Transcripts buttons above the Watchlist to view this information for the stocks in your watchlist! Customizable Watchlists: You can now select the Watchlist Columns that you wish to have in your watchlist, including NTM and LTM multiples. We will be adding more metrics that you can select for your columns shortly. Please feel free to reach out with any requests! Summary Statistics for Your Watchlist: View the mean, median, high, low, standard deviation, and count for all of the stocks in your watchlist. The Summary Statistics table can be found below your watchlist Added Funds to "Track Investing Gurus": per our users' requests, we have added additional gurus to the lists
  7. Thanks for your feedback! FYI we just soft launched a newsfeed for your watchlist. Now from the Watchlist tab, you can track news, transcripts, filings for the stocks on your watchlist
  8. Thank you so much for the feedback. Building a powerful equity screener for global stocks is at the top of our priority list. We also plan to make it even easier to build models off of the data beyond just the "copy table" feature that we have currently.
  9. Thanks for the feedback, coc! We can definitely make this happen. Just added it to our product roadmap.
  10. We are continually working to improve the platform but excited to share some recent updates: We have officially launched the ability to chart multiple companies for Financials, Estimates, and Valuation tabs as was requested You can now search through the holdings of 20k+ investors globally. Go to “Track Investing Gurus” and then use the search bar You can also now view LTM data in Financials and Calendar Year data in the Estimates tab You can set the Default Year To Start Viewing Financials & Estimates Data. This can be selected in Account Settings and should make it easier to view the data based on your preferences Thank you for your support!
  11. Thanks so much for all of the feedback! We really appreciate your support. We definitely plan to build a powerful equity screener and this is near the top of our priority list. We also plan to build a newsfeed for your watchlist so that you can easily track news, filings, etc.
  12. We certainly hope to add financial history going even further back. As we grow TIKR, we'll have the ability to reinvest back into the business and continue to improve it. Which gets me to your second question on pricing. TIKR is currently free as we're in beta. We will always have a free tier but will likely add some paid subscription tiers in the future with premium features/data. Our aim is to empower even individual investors with an institutional-grade investment research platform. We therefore plan for TIKR to be available at a highly accessible price point. We haven't finalized pricing and have instead been focused on adding as much value as possible to our users. But if you have thoughts on what pricing should be, please feel free to DM us! Our goal is for TIKR to be a no brainer value investment :)
  13. Appreciate all of the support! Our data is institutional-grade and is powered by CapitalIQ as well as several other data providers and our internal data. In terms of stock price quotes, given we are still in beta it’s currently last close data. However, we definitely will launch with real-time / 15 minute delayed data in the near future!
  14. Hi COBF community, Hope you and your loved ones are well and safe. We were encouraged by a number of COBF members to post here, as they thought the community would find value in what we are building. We have created a powerful equity research platform for fundamental investors at TIKR.com. Powered by S&P Global CapitalIQ, we have coverage of 50k+ stocks globally. We have financials, consensus estimates, valuation metrics, transcripts, filings, ownership data, and more. Our platform was built from the ground up with the value investor in mind! We would love to have you join our free beta and look forward to hearing your feedback. Please use the following link to register: https://app.tikr.com/register?ref=COBF
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