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Posts posted by Mondegreen

  1. I don't know why the US doesn't enforce monopoly break up powers for these guys. There would have only been one gas company and one telephone company eventually if they hadn't. If they didn't break it up, perhaps Cleveland (not joking) would now be a NYC or SF type level of wealth.


    There are reasons that banks can't control more than certain regions. I fail to see why they couldn't do the same for Facebook or whoever.


    How would you break up Facebook?


    Before the US Rockefeller empire was broken up there was already legitimate competition oversees. It's just a less scalable business model. In Facebook's case, it is directly beneficial to have your US, European, and Asian friends all using the same medium.


    The natural "equilibrium" size of a global monopoly has, and will continue to, increase as the world becomes more interconnected. If the point of regulation is to protect the consumer, breaking up Facebook wouldn't achieve that. I think what makes regulating these companies so difficult is that consumers truly benefit from the abuses they commit. One of social medias greatest accomplishments is giving normal people a big voice, how do you simultaneously nurture that and prevent the spread of miss-information?



  2. First, in order to get a fair offer, reject the 30K. That's terrible. Then, have your attorney ask them to make another offer, but with one condition, which will almost always ensure you are getting a fair offer... The condition is, whatever their offer is, if you don't like it, you can turn around and buy them out at that price.


    Seems an extremely intelligent way to proceed.

  3. Hi SafetyinNumbers,


    I don't suppose you could elaborate on managements confidence regarding the impairment of their asset?


    My thinking is along the same lines, but it would be interesting to hear their view and I can't find anything on the website?




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