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  1. DR There is no good info, there is only time. What you have to ask yourself is one question: "Do you have the patience?" Well, do you, punk?
  2. Well fancy that, so is America! As far as what he thinks of our 30 year, I doubt his interest runs that deep. Disposing of war-mongering Hillary was enough.
  3. Because the preferreds could have 5x upside to the commons no upside, but not the reverse. To reject the safety moat offered by the preferreds for an imaginary higher upside is foolish, imo. As far as Ackman, I'd bet he'd prefer the preferreds as well (probably owns a bunch now too), but the math in accumulating them at the time over just buying the heavier traded common shares didn't work for him. Most preferreds trade very sparsely.
  4. I've had a king Casper for over a year and can attest to the quality and comfort of it. I've read that a Cocoon is similar so I'd strongly recommend either product. Best mattress I've ever owned.
  5. "In its 2016 figures, the Center for Responsive Politics ranked the National Association of Realtors as the 2nd largest top spender in lobbying after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. On the total spending, the largest share—46% -- has gone to Republicans." Maybe NAR can move the needle? That could be the most informative thing I've read on this thread for months (except my posts of course). Forget the courts, people, this is all about politics and the money that drives it. I happen to think we're ahead there.
  6. Looks like they are precisely timing this one. I wish Mel Watt does a one 'on-your-face-senators' this time. Watt: Now there's a near-term catalyst for you. Presently has the power to do whatever he pleases.
  7. Tell me you're glad you didn't dump your whole position on the Feb verdict now that it's been halved. One wrong statement from Mnuchin and this goes on sale again. Like I said, kept half of a large position. Either my downsides limited, I'm successful with half or I get an opportunity to buy at lower price if that seems intelligent at the time. Makes pretty good sense IMO. I've spent way to much of my life trying to time stocks, but I made most of my money sitting on a few. That's where I'm at. I'm good with the odds here.
  8. The Sweeney case is most likely (very likely) doomed; resolution may take 5 or more years; Berkowitz has whined. Still at a loss as to why you're selling. Maybe it's because you have more confidence than I do about finding better opportunities, but riddle me this: Suppose 10 years. What is the most likely return and what return would that generate? I'm convinced that we get face value, which works out to about a 20% annual ROI.
  9. Add the position of translator to the list: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/06/19/earpiece-can-translate-foreign-languages-speak/
  10. Schatzker explains why this 5-bagger remains a 5-bagger.
  11. who is rob schain? But are you Emily Schain? Seriously though, just ignore them. If you prefer the commons, that's your call. I may not agree with it, but with an outcome that's still up in the air, who knows.
  12. So a Buffett protege sold 200 FMCCJ today at a 12.5% discount. Like, that $1700 just had to be immediately reallocated. dumbasses
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