common knowledge clinton's made 2 billion for their foundation, also common trump will want to be the most profitable president by far, no doubt. sitting with jared, going over possibilities, since their both builders, they must have proposed how best to profit from presidency, no doubt, also must consider slim odds for impeachment and 50/50 for 2nd term, because if you think trump will want to make 100 million from a hundred speeches afterwards, i dont think so given it's unknown how his term(s) will end, negatively is a possibility and again, being builders, why give a hundred speeches when you can build one building and make the same money, not mutually exclusive of course but he already does that so just for more money given clintons just count it and dont bark for it, much. eh, not a plan...
point of this jibberish, imo, is that gse's seem like a golden opportunity to justify letting commons go, if he needed any prodding, the only optics are ackman's 180mm shares, so commons at a cnote make his funds 18B, probably not great optics, but then again, public's not attuned to gse's at all much less an already multi billionaire hf guy and current admin doesn't own this issue politically so you know trump had the exact same convo obama had, "what's the worst we can get away with politically" (one major adv is obama cared about approval's, trump does not) of course the missing round, red little piece here on top is the court case generated public opinion. can you imagine if all that said and then trump gets to be the one to rap obama on the wrists with a solid platinum riding crop bestowed with the hope diamond on top? wow, i can see trump on the podium now, fielding the question that ackman's fund just posted a 20B YR? Hey, they've been suing obama for 8 years and you heard the judge, what did I do? And the guy just made six billion in the clear..........
And frankly, every swinging soul in the room knows regardless of the price commons are released, if so, even $5, they will run on fundamentals and will rise quick enough anyways, being a quasi monopoly for the love of god, so you'd have to assume market price for commons not primary focus unless trump wants to parlay this unbelievably golden opportunity, cadillac, handed to him on a silver platter by none other than your mortal friking enemy, of all people, "so lemme get this straight, i can release the gse's & doc's which obama stole, keep the money and scrap the warrants, and give hedge funds some 30B dollars" and be a power to the people for guaranteeing the 30YR? It's a good amuse bouche to the presidency anyways, and you never know, might be your best bite of the night. That scrapping of lower hud fees has to be intertwined, has to, why that, why on that day? Unless he just had to sign something?
now why would a president, being antagonized 24/7 for everything from his minuscule hands, victory ,status, knowledge, competence etc.......all day long which will take it's toll, want to hand over that much money to paulson/ackman is only question, imho, and answer, imho, is 20%
that's the answer, well a number anyways, paulson/ackman conversation i bet already took place, (nice pic with mnuchin icahn inaug night) given in form of building loans, wiped, or my favorite, a hedge fund partnership with either or both where boss man receives equity stake equal to his 5-6B he "made" off that one deal in 24 little hours. Oh what a difference a day makes indeed....Day 1, 6B. You know he wants, very much, as would we all, to declare a deal like that to his inner circle, no doubt.
thanks for humouring me, could be my self conscious rationalizing the FACT I"M ONLY IN COMMONS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck everyone and God Bless Us All,