That's my concern. As a practical matter, the commoners and preferreds are dead in the water. Not explicitly, but FnF equities are pretty much dead--other than the senior preferred stock, LOL. And, Treasury and Calabria seem to like it that way. Treasury is Treasury is Treasury--it doesn't really matter who the President is, the financial oligarchy is in control of Treasury.
Sweeney really is the only one that is going to save us on this one I think. Mnuchin, I think, is a bad guy although hard to be sure.
I've always thought that FnF can't be recapitalized if existing shareholders aren't treated fairly. But, Trump is President, so anything can happen (i.e., pigs can fly). Maybe it can be done.
Anyway, Sweeney is the key at this point. I seriously doubt she's going to dismiss her case, but one never knows.