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Dempster Diver

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Everything posted by Dempster Diver

  1. `68 was the best year in both $$ and % (overall partnership up $40m or 58.8%, LP's +45.6%). The letter recapping the year breaks down the $40m gain as follows: $22m from Generals-Private Owner, $7.3m from Workouts, $5.9m from Controls and $4.3m from Generals-Relatively Undervalued.
  2. Thanks aws! That is a great lead ...
  3. Thanks for the comments. I'll keep digging ... Here are the Sanborn annual reports from `58, `59 and `61. I was not able to find `60, but at least you can see the financials before WEB joined the board (`58), the year he was on the board (`59) and then what they looked like post the stock for securities swap (`61). I was able to find these at the NY Public Library, working with a librarian. They have a lot of pre EDGAR annual reports and all the Moody's manuals and are terrifically helpful - a great resource for those that are interested. With my best regards ... Sanborn58ann_report.pdf Sanborn59ann_report.pdf Sanborn61ann_report.pdf
  4. Hi All, I am the author of Warren Buffett's Ground Rules, which is a book about the pre-Berkshire partnership era. This is my first post. First let me say a BIG THANK YOU to all who have contributed to this site - its a treasure trove. I recently had a chance to meet Mr. Buffett and brought a copy of the 1959 annual report for Sanborn Map, where he is listed as a member of the board of directors, which I asked him to sign (this was one of the earliest concentrated BPL investments). I thought this was also the first board he sat on but when I asked him about it, he said that Portland Gas Co. was first. There wasn't time to follow up from there ... Nothing in Lowenstein or Schroeder about Portland Gas ... anyone ever hear of Buffett's involvement in this company? Thanks!
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