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  1. Thank you. I didn't know that. If the shareholders win any damages, will all GSE shareholders receive a payment from the GSEs or only those who are plaintiffs in the case? And any thoughts on the range of plausible damages that might actually get awarded?
  2. Judge Lamberth's opinion was unsealed (see attached) the other day. Does anyone know (1) whether any damages would be paid directly to shareholders or to the companies and (2) what a plausible range of damages would be, given the theory of damages the judge has allowed to go forward? 2022-09-23 opinion re. motions for summary judgment.pdf
  3. Thanks. Why do you think the remedy in the Lamberth court would be based on par value (plus interest) and not dividends?
  4. Does anyone know what the remedy in the "implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing" case before Judge Lamberth is likely to be if the shareholders win? Would it be unwinding of the Third Amendment, some amount of compensation paid directly to the shareholders, or something else? And any idea how the amount of any compensation awarded to the common and jr. preferred shareholders would be calculated by the court (what would the court base the amount of the award on)?
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