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Everything posted by flixil

  1. Well... Knowing how to read signals is not everything :) Actually I was very confident on myself and I wrongly assumed that my wife was flirting with me the first time we met. She was actually just presenting herself because we had a friend in common, but ...I was fixated on her, I did not realize our common friend was there. So it is not about reading signals... It's about letting them read. Maybe I should not be learning how to invest being overconfident... Well...
  2. Sistema webpage is running again with a new press release: http://www.sistema.com/press/press-releases/2014/09/statement-regarding-sistema%E2%80%99s-stake-in-ojsc-bashneft.aspx
  3. www.sistema.com webpage seems to have been deleted.
  4. Sistema breakdown http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/03/jsfc-sistema-idUSnBw035465a+100+BSW20140403 With income attributable to Sistema from bashneft of 1130 over 1992 (in 2013), the value of Sistema without bashneft shoudn't be 67% down from before the CEO was charged with charges? From 21... This makes 9.24 More or less the current price. I bought some at 12.58 and I am thinking of buying more if it falls a more. I might had been too optimistic at 12.58, but 9 looks like a safe floor to buy from. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/452433ec-43fc-11e4-8abd-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3EQXeVgH6
  5. == JSFC Sistema, the largest publicly-traded diversified holding company in Russia and the CIS, said the acquisition of a 98% stake in OJSC United Petrochemical Company from the group's subsidiary, JSOC Bashneft, has not been completed. It said Bashneft retained ownership of UPC. ==
  6. Russia's Bashneft confirms cancelation of unit sale to Sistema http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/750966
  7. Buffet is being quotes as using the long bond yield as a discount rate. http://whatheheckaboom.wordpress.com/2007/07/28/warren-buffetts-discount-rate-used-in-dcf/ I think that he counts only the cash flows he can count on with certainty, and so, as it is certain, he uses the risk free rate.
  8. Looks like you lost money... At least you put yourself in a win win situation
  9. Is there a thread for Sistem?
  10. http://rapsinews.com/news/20140917/272126388.html http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/66a2a474-3e7d-11e4-a620-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3DexwEwIc Who should pay, Vladimir Yevtushenkov the board chairman or the company? Is this maneuver only to force a sell of Bashneft below market value? Comments?
  11. Sistema Taking into account that the inistry of Land and Property Relations of Bashkortostan filed a lawsuit to recover 209 billion rubles ($5.8 billion) from Sistema. 6B is 41% of 14B that is the current stockholder equity in the balance sheet. 33% looks close enough from 41% if we think that there is about 1/5 probability for the lawsuit not to win. What do you guys think about it?
  12. Here we have an article from Damodaran blog about whether or not the current US market is overvalued: If looks at PE, Shiller PE, and then uses the T-Bill (low interest rates) to argue that valuation does not look so bad. http://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.ca/2014/06/bubble-bubble-toil-and-trouble-costs.html What are your thoughts on This? Time to shift to Europe and EM? www.mrmarket.eu shows 16x for europe vs the 29x for us As most of the analysis are actually comparisons with peers, coudn't we actually be buying into the bubble if it were there?
  13. Hello, I'm in the middle of "Investment Valuation - 2nd Edition" of Damodaran, and while reading the book webpage http://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/Inv2ed.htm I came accross with this letter from 1997 preaching the good characteristics of CSCO in terms of ROIC and EV/IC (enterprise value / invested capital) http://people.stern.nyu.edu/adamodar/pdfiles/eqnotes/Buffett.pdf Does anyone here use EV/IC? Where can I find a good website to plot the Total Shareholders Returns from both CSCO and KO from 1997 onwards? What are your thoughs on this letter? Thanks
  14. Fundamental Global Stock Market Valuation Ratios per 29.08.2014 http://www.starcapital.de/research/stockmarketvaluation
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