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  1. Yes, but I can have a broker translate if need be. Ok so you are saying that your native tongue is English and you aren't sure if they speak English but your bringing your broker? wow you must have a ton of stock/money That's not what I'm saying-- the meetings I've got set up are definitely in English. I thought you were asking because you were about to suggest a company whose management only speaks Norwegian or Swedish. Otherwise, I'm not quite sure why you asked the question.
  2. Yes, but I can have a broker translate if need be.
  3. Thank you John. I met NOFI (BANK NS back then) first when a big block was offered to us at NOK 18 and again when shares were in the 20s. We passed both times. Two of our worst calls ever. Investor- will do. We have a lot of respect for the Wallenbergs. I'll take a deeper look at LUNDB. I've met with JM in the past. Do you mind sharing a 1/2 sentence blurb as to why LUNDB piques your interest? Thanks, Mateo
  4. PS: extremely frustrating to see every name on your list trading at or near multi year highs. Up and to the right since 2014 correlates pretty well with SEK devaluation.
  5. Thank you both for the replies... I realize I should have put size restrictions. Nothing much smaller than USD 250mm cap wise. I'm going to be in Oslo, Bergen, and Stockholm.
  6. Are there any companies (long or short) I should add to my list, even if just for educational purposes? Current lists: Norway: Borregard, B2 Holding, WWI/WWASA/TRE, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Marine Harvest, NextGenTel (maybe?), Protector (maybe?), NRC Group (maybe?), Europris (maybe?) Sweden: Nordnet, Electrolux Thanks for any and all thoughts!
  7. Is there a transcript of the call available (like the pay said there would be). I couldn't find it after a full 45 seconds of looking. Can anyone post if it exists? Thanks in advance.
  8. The conservatorship by law suspends dividends except for the senior preferred, with or without the sweep. So imo, it's not a valid legal argument. And no problem, I actually asked this question last year. :) I have a related question regarding the junior preferred dividends. The 8.25% prefs are obviously selling for a premium to the variable rate ones. I know holders of these are banking on them selling above par if we win. So my question is, have you thought about the chances of them being called in this case? This would make the variable ones a better deal. I assume that they'd want to call the high rate ones asap. Or do you think because of capitalization concerns, they may hold off on calling, which would make the fixed rated ones a better deal? Thanks very much. Haven't gotten that granular in looking at the different preferred issues but hear what you're saying. It's a good question.
  9. I apologize for asking such a basic question, and one that's likely been discussed somewhere in the hundreds of thread pages. The 8.25% prefs are obviously non-cumulative. But should the NWS be recouped, what claim, if any, do pref holders have for past missed dividends? Should we expect this to be a separate legal battle should the NWS be overturned?
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