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  1. https://www.meetup.com/corner-of-berkshire-and-fairfax-nyc-london/events/296937873/ I host this from London. Would be great to meet fellow london investors sometime...
  2. 17th works well. Looking forward to meeting fellow investors.
  3. Just saw this poll; interesting coincidence that I recently took this test at my workplace, as part of a psychology related training course. Interestingly, the person who ran the course has worked with some very successful portfolio managers and noticed that most have second letter as N (INTUITION) I'm an INTJ as well.. too bad this isn't a sufficient condition to being a great investor ;) Curious if there's a way to find out personality profiles for Buffett and Munger...
  4. Just wondering how one would think differently if investing for an endowment? I understand no taxes and infinite time horizon provide for greater risk taking ability I imagine majority would be invested in Equities? Assuming a significant percentage of the university expenses are likely covered from tuitions etc Can somebody weigh in? What are the different things to consider?
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