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  1. :D was a typo $348 - damn sticky keyboard
  2. bought a fair number of FFH on Monday at 38.00 Today 368.50 Thank you everyone for giving me a book value - that made my buy a no brainer. Heaven knows I can use buys like that
  3. http://seekingalpha.com/article/257466-fairfax-financial-an-intelligent-hedge-against-deflation
  4. Have they exposure because of the earthquake? ???
  5. thanks so much
  6. Does anyone know where their meeting will be?
  7. I have an extra hotel room reserved for anyone who wants it. It's reasonably close
  8. Of course, I live here and love it
  9. Can anyone tell from the filing the price points he bought these companies at, esp wells fargo and wallmart?
  10. :o Now that makes a lot more sense. Does the 10Q say anything about Moody's selling?
  11. Berkshire is selling conocco phillips and buying exon. Is this smart?
  12. It is better to buy a good company at a fair price than a fair company at a good price I
  13. The synergy in this place is beautiful. Midwest America/ elecrtric power/ his subsiduary that owns railcars, all work well together.
  14. In Q# Warren invested 2.2b in stocks. Anyone care to speculate which ones?
  15. Warren also invested in GE. That gives me great assurance. Charlie also loves GE
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