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Posts posted by argonaut

  1. My info is about a year old and may need to be reconfirmed... at that time fidelity you signed a foreign trading agreement and could go forth and trade either directly in many countries or for those farther a field (e.g. Brazil) you had to call and talk to he international trading desk... still pretty straightforward ...



    Schwab you had to open a second account and transfer funds in and out as needed for international trades... much less convenient ...


    I hope this helps.

  2. I invested in CHK in mid-2012 as a turn around on my own research...figuring it was worth a min of $35/share + ...saw is get to $31 and was holding for a few more $ :(...should have sold most... got out of a chunk as the oil prices dropped but still held onto rest...


    Probably should have taken a cue from Buffet when they existed the oil stocks e.g XOM and gotten completely out of CHK then...somehow also learn to recognize that a major trend is in place and not just a temp drop.

  3. Any board members live somewhat near here?


    34 Roger Street



    I live in Seattle and am looking to get a small package from a store located there to me...I will prepay all costs.


    PM me for more details.



  4. Thank for sharing your xls, Packer. I have this rough calculation for BXE...does this seem roughly on track with your thinking?



    Low netback/boe/d 12.58

    High netback/boe/d 15

    # days/year 364

    Company's Boe/d 40277

    Net debt 723,000,000.00

    Fully diluted share count 205,800,000.00

    Low valuation multiple 8

    High valuation multiple 10

    Canadian/usd exchange rate 0.75


    Valuation: low netback/low multiple usd 2.75

    Valuation: high netback/high multiple usd 5.39

  5. I think someone above touched on it ...but I would consider the move knowing that you can always move back in a few years and thus time perhaps more for your wife...e.g. each of you has a chance to do what is best for them "at that time" :)


    Just my .02...I've lived in both Philly and NY...advantages/disadvantages to both...have cousins just outside center city who are doctors...PM if you wish for more info.

  6. I've met a few people locally (Seattle area COBF members and some not) and get together every so often so share our thoughts over lunch or coffee...I really enjoy it...


    I'd like to meet one or more folks who would like to go through some of the investing books and get practical experience valuing stocks...in person preferred but online with shared screens might work too...I realize it's close to what the forum offers...

  7. Re: healthcare


    It's like handling something super flammable to discuss healthcare I think...but I will say that our rates (my wife and I are both self employed and we have a young kid) used to rise 5-8% a year......then the healthcare "reform"....


    2012 18% rise

    2013 90% (no typo) rate rise....with a 5 figure annual deductible (which the insurance company took the liberty of bumping up a few thousand in the process automatically)...

    2014 ??? don't know yet


    I was so annoyed that I went to the whitehouse.gov in 2013 on a Friday afternoon and politely but strongly vented (sent an email to you know who)...do they not see that all the items they "forced" the insurance companies to pay for (Add on coverage for) ...the companies said yes we will pay for them AFTER you meet the deductible...this is not productive for entrepreneurs...which in turn is not helping to expand and grow the country.. (ok a bit of a stretch but you get the picture)...I assumed the email would go into a black hole..


    To my amazing surprise...48 hrs later on a Sunday morning...the phone rang with an unlisted phone number (I rarely answer these but for some reason I did this one)...Mr....? This is (a women's name) calling about your email on Friday. Do you have a few minutes? Um..sure I replied...Mr. ...can. I walk you through the healthcare plans and or explain some options to you? ...


    She spent 45 minutes chatting with me...end result..same plan I had already signed up for...net net (pun intended) -- well, the Whitehouse has folks who read emails and do try and walk you through options...I still think the plans need adjusting to be more affordable and we will see how the rates rise from here..at some point...It may just be cheaper to set aside a substantial chunk while in the middle of life and self insure...and pay whatever fines they wish to impose..


    rant over :)....


    Note: I know the rates are different for those fully employed and those pretty young and older...it's the middle folks who are self-employed who saw their rates just soar...





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