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peter buffet

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Everything posted by peter buffet

  1. Rv capital mybe
  2. Thanks for sharing Warren. The third one could also be interesting. Don't hesitate. Cheers.
  3. I would also add 2 other companies that could be interesting: The first one is Lotus Bakeries, the famous producer of Speculoos but also other cakes, waffels, and other biscuits famous. Look at the chart since 2000. The second one is Resilux which is active in the PET industry. They launch an interesting product within a joint venture AIROLUX. The product is airopack a new system of aerosol which doesn't need any gaz except AIR, oxygen. Even Procter and Gamble is client of them for this new product. Company to follow. I hope these could fit your circle of competence. Don't hesitate to share yours whatever the country. Cheers.
  4. Minimum for investment with Giverny is 250 000 CAD.
  5. You can check the following: Sextant at www.amiralgestion.com Moneta at www.moneta.fr http://www.independance-et-expansion.com http://www.ennismorefunds.com Or maybe wait that Francisco Parames who left Bestinver last year create his new investment vehicle. I hope it will help you.
  6. Bad news, I will redeem. Other options: In france, you have independance nd expansion In usa, fairholme In uk, ennismore funds If you have others I m interested
  7. On my side, I recently received spinoff shares NOW inc (DNOW) from National OIlwell Varco. This company is active in supply chain for energy sectors. What is interesting is that the top management of the parent company has left this one to join the new spinoff. This is an interesting move to follow. I didn't check if they are some incentives for this management at the spinoff level but based on the historical success of acquisitation/aggregators at NOV level, I bet that the management could repeat the history at the spinoff level. This spinoff has also been discussed with the name not revealed in the last quarterly letter of East Coast Asset Management. Interesting situation from my point of view.
  8. After seeing Colombia yesterday, I would say that they have a chance against Brazil. Costa Rica should go into quarter final, like the Netherlands, like Belgium, France, Germany. Don't put Belgium too quick into the next flight. We have one of the best goalkeeper with the colombian one who was amazing yesterday. We will see if against USA, they can wake up ;) Whoever the winner will be, it's always nice to watch a world cup, of my point of view.
  9. I recommend you the following : Amiral Gestion in french: http://www.amiralgestion.fr/Actualites/lettres.php Ennismore in english with an interesting monthly letter! http://www.ennismorefunds.com/documents/OEIC/OEIC%20-%20Most%20Recent%20NL.pdf Les daubasses, in french also and you need to pay to see their move and their portfolio: http://www.daubasses.com/ A new blog here in English: http://wertartcapital.com/ Good search. For your information, in my portfolio I have the following stocks in Europe: Eni : Gaz Resilux: Packaging Saft: Battery Credit Agricole, Banca Intesa: Bank Dietereen: with a good franchise Belron who own Autoglass in the US for example. cci ile et vilaine, atlantique vendee and languedoc: regional bank of the group credit agricole. Bijou Brigitte: retail jewelry fantasy.
  10. I would say Banca Intesa.
  11. Hello, I check EBIX, interesting idea, what is the issue with this one? I see that 21th of June, they annonced to make a 100 million stock repurchase. Currently the market cap is 400 millions. Earning per share for last 4 quarters is 1.82 usd or less than 6 times earnings. one issue is that the earnings of june best quarter go down for the third consecutive year. Balance sheet : big goodwill but good mix cash/shareholder equity against debt. cash flow statement: no big issue and good generation of cash. i saw a risk of fraud, true, not?
  12. parsad, is it an idea where you are long or short? Short, it could be tesla. Long I have no idea, some hints? Market cap? Sector? I m from belgium. On my side, I recommand to look at resilux on euronext especially their joint venture which has just signed an agreement with procter and gamble about.
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