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Everything posted by DooDiligence

  1. That is literally untrue. He was shacking up with Astrid. NTM the fact that she was far from being jail bait.
  2. My maternal Grandfather was one of the most positive people I've ever known. Late in life, he had an uncharacteristic episode of depression. His physician determined it was due to a potassium deficiency. He became a banana eating fool & never experienced depression again. Decades ago, my Mom had a large portion of her colon removed. H2O & nutrient absorption became poor & she experienced frequent mood swings. After she started dialysis her mood evened out a lot. I think it's because her nutrient levels are better maintained. For myself, I find that eating right & doing a lot of stuff, staves off stinkin' thinkin'.
  3. After browsing the results of a Google search "Tyler Technologies problems", I have to add chronic integration issues & going live before the system has been thoroughly tested, as a problem. Probably not unique to the industry.
  4. Thanks for the comments. I remember reading in the last 10K about them having to compete with integrators. I'm assuming that's what Deloitte, etc., are.
  5. TYL Sizable TAM (company estimates $18B at recent call) providing SaaS to small & medium sized governmental agencies, many of which are still operating on systems that were written in dead languages, and are still accessed using old green screen CRT's. Rip & replace prospects. Just completed the purchase of NIC which should give them a leg up on targeting larger organizations. This is the biggest acquisition they've ever done and it's being funded with a combination of cash on hand & debt issuance. They have a history of slamming down debt quickly. Slowly converting clients from perpetual on site licenses to subscription based solutions. Governmental agencies are notoriously slow to adopt new fangled stuff. Partnered with AWS. Margins steadily increasing as they achieve more scale with "off the shelf" software. Maintenance is a huge portion of revenues. R & D significantly below industry averages. Great FCF. Got hit by ransomware last September but it appears to have only affected internal operations / support capabilities (phones, email, etc.), but didn't infect their clients operations. They fixed things quickly (probably by paying the ransom) and subsequently have begun hardening their systems (effectiveness remains to be seen). Estimated losses from business disruption range from $1.5m to $4m for the quarter. This and the inability to attract talent are the 2 biggest threats, IMO. Definitely not cheap, but I love the offerings & can't resist a business with "switching costs". I funded the purchase with proceeds from the sale of GPC & am still maintaining a 20ish% sack of FOMO cash. I'm not looking to get rich quick on this and plan on holding for the next decade or more. Roast my shallow assed dive.
  6. My go to source for feel good news. Bill Gates Offering $1 Million To Anyone Who Can Design Condom He Can’t Break www.theonion.com/bill-gates-offering-1-million-to-anyone-who-can-design-1829496936
  7. I'd like to see quicker access to sections with better top & bottom bar menu nav. The menu structure is poorly done from both a usability & SEO standpoint. If you accidentally rollover the INVESTMENT FORUM link in the top bar, Politics remains sticky until you rollover BROWSE, which presents a less than useful set of alternatives. These are easy fixes. Don't Make Me Think, was one of the best books I ever read on UI. https://uxplanet.org/dont-make-me-think-20-wise-thoughts-about-usability-from-steve-krug-876b563f1d63
  8. What is a Charlie Munger? Sounds like a legitimate existential question. I dug into the footer link & found this. www.tinycapital.com/companies
  9. I get it. Giving without expecting anything back, including recognition, is IMO giving with all your heart.
  10. No derailment at all, since you can reconstruct a primo set of rails anyway.
  11. Just watched the 1st episode of an FX production on Hulu called “Snowfall”. It was riveting.
  12. You can also just cut the Bloomberg cookies when you hit your free article limit without a subscription.
  13. Thanks for posting this. —- Shareholder advisors hating on the players. www.ft.com/content/490949ae-964e-4291-b58f-d5d4126cf371 — I frequently criticize compensation packages, however, it kind of looks like these guys don’t understand how to evaluate an executive comp package, and they do a poor job of hiring their own managers. https://apnews.com/article/73d743eb81eb441db0bb784b6e746536 www.ai-cio.com/news/new-calpers-cio-see-2-4-million-payout/ —- FWIW, I just sent my thoughts on this to CALPERS. www.calpers.ca.gov/page/contact
  14. I'd like to make a few suggestions with regards to the site navigation menus. The top menu dropdown / flyover system is clunky for users & won't SEO well. A single line of menu options would be better: (Home - Berkshire - Fairfax - Investment Ideas - Financial Strategies - Personal Finance - Events - Books - General) --- Not only would this make it easier for users to navigate, it would help search engines to index the site better (indexing on the word "Browse" does nothing for the sites visibility to search engines. For more info, search the words "click here". Additional, lesser links, can be placed in the bottom nav (calendar - staff - online users - leaderboard - contact - help). You may also want to consider a link to the sitemap in the footer. --- These are easy fixes and if you don't have a complete understanding of CMS menu systems, I'd be happy to advise by DM.
  15. I remember hearing people piss and moan about a mailbox full of junk (pre 2008), and now the same people are whining about spam in their inbox and robo-callers trying to extend their non-existent automobile warranty. Get over it. If you feel like the value received is less than the inconvenience of capitalism on full display, then simply look away.
  16. Edit by clicking the 3 dots (up & to the right), of your post (as shown in the image below).
  17. I have no problem with the ads. You're perfectly within your rights to monetize the site however you like. I'd like to suggest affiliate programs. This way you could choose to advertise products that you believe would specifically benefit users.
  18. Tangentially interesting, Warren Buffett’s conglomerate has no GC, relies on confidantes ‘House counsel’ Munger Tolles was paid $105 million since 2005 https://news.bloomberglaw.com/business-and-practice/berkshire-lawyering-buffetts-way-remains-the-munger-tolles-show
  19. I wish BRK would've gotten this one. Relatively small, but lots of room to grow. www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-15/bdt-capital-buys-majority-stake-in-texas-staple-whataburger I think it would be cool if BRK bought BDT. https://heavy.com/news/2019/06/bdt-capital-partners/
  20. Thank you for this massive effort. I quit listening about 30 minutes in because I couldn't stand hearing him clear his throat one more time (I know, I'm an ass). His observations on China are brilliant. Notably, he never once mentioned Alibaba?
  21. It does for me. I'm using Safari. When I click into an unread thread, it opens scrolled to the bottom of the page as in the image below.
  22. The user stats box which is taking up space on the right side can be turned off or repositioned to another location in the template (the footer maybe). If it's like Joomla, an admin would have to click on the module (in the back end) and then choose what menu options would generate this module. You can choose to present it on some pages and not on others & you can create multiple instances of the same module (I'd name each according to positioning) where one instance would allow it to show up in the right column & another would put it in the footer (for example). There's definitely a steep learning curve for how to admin a CMS. Fortunately, most admin clicks that result in broken pages can be quickly reversed. All in all, it's a very flexible & extensible way to run a site and I'm sure the bugs will be worked out over the coming weeks.
  23. The "unread posts bar" that appears when you drill into a thread is useful. The infrequent, but useful, pop up notifications are handy. The WYSIWYG improvements alone are worth having to adjust to a new interface. Overall, I have no problem with readability on a 2013 MacBook Air or my 2020 iPad Pro. Looking forward to post / user voting. Tweaks to module positions & re-slicking with different templates can probably be expected. My only complaint is that the $4000 watermelon disappeared from the shop before I got a chance to buy one.
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